Goodbye's are the hardest part

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The Feder's were leaving tomorrow and Isabella couldn't sleep. It was around 2 am when she went down to the living room to sit on the coach. She had on her pj's and Ryan's hoodie that he had given her, Isabella decided that she was keeping it. She knew it would bring her comfort when he went back to L.A. She hugged the hoodie closer to her, inhaling his familiar scent, finding solace in its warmth and familiarity. Memories of their time together flooded her mind, bringing a bittersweet smile to her lips.

Lost in her thoughts, Isabella didn't notice when Ryan quietly entered the room. He woke up and noticed that the girl wasn't in the room and went to go find her. He paused, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her sitting there, looking so peaceful yet troubled at the same time.

'' Hey, can't sleep?'' Isabella jumps at his voice, not expecting anyone else to be awake at this hour. She turns to look at the boy '' No. I'm just thinking.'' Ryan walks over and sits beside her, he pulls her legs over his lap and wraps an arm around her back, pulling her close. 

He waits for her to tell him what she's thinking about, not wanting to push her. She speaks after a minute '' I'm just thinking about you. I mean you leave tomorrow and I don't know when the next time i'm gonna see you again. What if you forget about me? What if you replace me with some other girl?'' 

Ryan listens attentively to Isabella's words, his heart sinking at her insecurities. He tightens his embrace around her, wanting to offer as much comfort as he can. "Hey, listen to me," he says gently, tilting her chin up so she meets his gaze. "I could never forget about you, Bella. You're not just some girl I met randomly. You're special to me, and nothing's gonna change that, okay? And as for replacing you... well, there's no one else like you. I could never find someone who makes me feel like this, makes me laugh, makes me genuinely happy, like you do. You're amazing and I can't believe that you would even agree to be my girlfriend in the first place. I'm not gonna mess that up. Ever. You're stuck with me now." He punctuates his words with a soft kiss to her forehead, hoping to reassure her of his sincerity.

Isabella's eyes soften as she listens to Ryan's heartfelt words, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the sincerity in his voice. His reassurance washes away her worries, replacing them with a sense of comfort and security. She leans into his kiss on her forehead, feeling a wave of gratitude and affection for him.

"Thank you, Ryan," she whispers, her voice barely above a murmur. "I needed to hear that. I'm sorry for doubting us. I guess I just got scared of losing something so wonderful." She lifts her gaze to meet his, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "You mean everything to me, too. And I'm not going anywhere. We'll make this work, no matter the distance."

He puts his hands on her cheeks and pulls her in for a loving kiss. As they pull away, he gives her a peck on the lips and then her nose making her laugh. She rests her head on his shoulder as he cuddles her to him. '' You're crazy if you think I could forget you.'' he says as he gazes at her lovingly. 

Isabella's heart swells with warmth at Ryan's words, feeling deeply touched by his unwavering affection. She meets his gaze, her eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings for him. "I guess we're both a little crazy then," she replies softly, a fond smile gracing her lips. "Because there's no way I could forget about you either, Ryan.'' 


The next morning everyone woke up early as they get ready to head home. Isabella put on a white button up shirt, she rolled up at the sleeves and tied it at the waist and a pair of shorts. She put her hair into a high ponytail. 

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