You're staying?

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As Isabella lay in the bed she was sharing with Becky, her mind raced with thoughts and emotions, making it difficult to drift off to sleep. She tossed and turned, staring at the ceiling as she tried to quiet her thoughts. The events of the day, from the near-kiss with Ryan to comforting Becky and playing with cup phones, replayed in her mind, robbing her of sleep. Despite her exhaustion, sleep remained elusive, and she couldn't shake the anticipation and uncertainty swirling within her. She dreaded the inevitable departure of the Feder family in the morning. Memories of their time together at the lakehouse flooded her mind, each moment flashing in her memory. Ryan, popping up the most. She wondered if they would get a chance to replay their moment earlier, before they were inturrupted, and they left for Milan. The looming goodbye filled her with sadness,  and her uncertainty about when she would see him again growing deeper as she kept thinking about him. 

Isabella turned onto her side, seeking a more comfortable position in the hopes of finding sleep, she was surprised to find Becky's eyes already looking back at her. Caught off guard, Isabella blinked in the dim light of the room, her gaze meeting Becky's in silent acknowledgment. Becky blinked softy before whispering '' Isa, I can't sleep.'' Isabella smiled softy at the girl '' Yeah, me too.'' 

They lay in silence for a moment, before Becky breaks it '' I'm gonna miss you, when we leave.'' Isabella could hear the tremor of emotion in her tone. Her heart squeezed with empathy, understanding the weight of Becky's words. "I'm going to miss you too, Becky," Isabella replied softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "It won't be the same without you here. But we'll still keep in touch, right? We can text and call each other whenever we want. And who knows, maybe we'll see each other again soon."

Becky quickly showed her enuthasism with the idea before her face drops '' But I don't have a phone.'' Isabella laughed as she reached over to lightly tickle the girl "Your brothers can help you keep in touch with me. I can't leave you with them, us girls have to stick together and team up against the silly boys.'' The two fall into a fit of giggles, their minds feeling a bit more at ease knowing they will stay in touch. 

Isabella's remark about sticking together as girls and teaming up against the boys drew another round of giggles from Becky. "Yeah, girls rule!" Becky declared, her eyes shining with mischief as she playfully nudged Isabella. "We'll show those silly boys who's boss!"

Isabella grinned back at her, feeling a deep sense of affection for the spirited young girl beside her. "You bet we will!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with determination. "No one messes with us girls!"

Just as she was drifting off to sleep she heard '' Isa, do you like my brother?'' Isabella's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question, her mind racing as she tried to formulate a response. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer.

"Well, Becky," Isabella began softly, "your brother, Ryan is a really great guy. He's funny, kind, handsome and I enjoy spending time with him, and he's become a good friend to me."

Becky listened intently, her eyes wide with curiosity. "But do you like him, like, like him?" she pressed, her voice filled with innocence and curiosity.

Isabella smiled at Becky's persistence, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I... I don't know" she admitted honestly, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside her. "I think I might, but... sometimes feelings can be complicated." refrencing the fact that she doesn't know if he feels the same way and that he leaves tomorrow.

Becky nodded thoughtfully '' Yeah, feelings seem hard'', Isabella starts pouting '' Super hard.'' she agreed, rolling her eyes playfully. Becky then says '' I think he likes you too, by the way. '' Isabella fills with slight hope at her words before asking '' How do you know?'' Becky just shruggs with a smile '' I'm his sister.'' Isabella couldn't help but chuckle at Becky's response. "Fair point" she conceded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

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