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After coming home from the water park, everyone had a shower and got changed. Isabella changed into a pair of denium shorts with little flower details and a flowy top. She put her hair into two loose french braids to keep it out of her face. 

Greg, Lenny, Eric and Andre are playing basketball

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Greg, Lenny, Eric and Andre are playing basketball. Jasmine, Amber and Bridget were building a tree house in one of the trees close to the house. Sally, Bean, Becky and Roxanne were playing with the horseshoes. Isabella and Ryan were sitting on the grass between the girls and the tree house and the game of horse shoes. 

The two were just watching the boys play basketball, Lenny kept making the bank shot everytime ''Oh yeah. Your dad'll go fifty for fifty with these.'' Eric said to Greg as he caught the ball again before throwing it back to Lenny. 

Greg looked over at him in disbelief '' Really? Because on the Wii the bank shot never work.'' Isabella shouts over to him '' Maybe your just bad at it, cause it works for me.'' Greg looks at her in shock, making her stick her tongue out at him, Ryan just laughing at the pair. 

Eric then jokes '' Yeah? Well, you should Wii-turn it and get a Wii-fund.'' Which makes Isabella laugh and shout '' That was a good one Eric'' The man just smiles at her before continuing his conversation with Greg '' Tim Duncan's had about a hundred game winners with that bad boy.'' 

Lenny the turns his back to the net and throws the ball, managing to get it in the net. Roxanne shouts over to her husband '' Oh baby, that was hot.'' Ryan gets a disgusted look on his face muttering '' Gross.'' Isabella pushes him '' Hey. I think your parents are cute.'' Isabella's comment earns a soft chuckle from Ryan, his expression softening as he glances back at his parents. "Yeah, I guess they are," he admits with a small smile, feeling a sense of warmth at the sight of their affection.

Lenny calls Greg over and teaches him how to do the bank shot, Greg gets it in on the first try. Isabella and Ryan cheer for Greg making him laugh '' Yes Greg!'' Lenny looks impressed at Greg '' Are you kidding me? Respect! You see how good you can be when you wear normal people clothes'' while giving him a high-five. 

Greg turns to his older brother, '' Hey Ry, can you do a bank shot?'' Ryan grins confidently at Greg's question. "Of course I know how to do it," he replies, standing up and walking over to the basketball hoop. He grabs the basketball and performs the shot, making it in the net. 

He looks over at Isabella when he hears he yawn '' Boring'' she says while rolling her eyes. Ryan looks offened '' Like you could do any better.'' With a mischevious look in her eye Isabella stands up '' You're on, pretty boy.'' He gestures for Isabella to join him on the court, for them to have a 'friendly' game. 

Isabella's swift success catches Ryan off guard as she scores within the first few minutes of the game. He watches in amazement as the ball effortlessly swishes through the net.

Impressed by her skill, Ryan can't help but grin as he retrieves the ball. "Nice shot," he concedes, a competitive fire igniting within him. As Isabella scores once again, Ryan's shock is evident. He watches her with a mix of surprise and admiration. "How are you doing that?" he asks incredulously, his competitive spirit fueling his curiosity. Isabella just shrugs with a smirk, clearly enjoying the challenge '' Oh, did I forget to mention? I spent three summers at basketball camp.'' 

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