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As everyone waits outside for the 'big surprise' we see two horses coming in the driveway pulling a trailer behind them. Isabella puts her hand over her mouth in shock '' Oh my God. What the hell?'' Becky squeals and goes over to pet the horses. 

Everyone quickly gets on for the hay ride, excited as nobody had ever been on one before. Ryan helps Isabella onto the ride and wraps his arms around her, keeping her close for the duration. 

They notice the band dressed in white tuxedos decorated with white and blue, the multiple barbeques and numerous children playing basketball. All of the kids head into the lake to go and play with the blown up mattress and the lifeguard chair. 

Isabella had her red bikini on and put her hair into a bun on the top of her head so it didn't get wet. 

Isabella and Ryan are sitting on a floatie they had brought, a bit away from the kids so they didn't get too wet from the splashes

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Isabella and Ryan are sitting on a floatie they had brought, a bit away from the kids so they didn't get too wet from the splashes. Andre was the first kid to test out the mattress. Greg checks it over ''Okay, It's in position.'' 

Andre looks worried as he says '' I don't know, man. This thing looks crazy.'' Greg just waves him off '' It'll be fun. I spent all morning blowing that thing up. '' more concerned about his time being wasted than his friend. Donna tries to reassure Andre as he climbs on the mattress '' You should be alright.'' 

Andre just looks even more concerned at this '' Should be?'' he gets to the end and looks up to see Greg and Donna standing on the lifeguard seat, waiting to jump off. 

They jump off and Andre goes flying, spinning around in the air before landing on his back. Everyone is quiet while they wait for him to resurface. He pops up with his hands in the air, before shouting '' Let's do that again.'' 

Isabella laughs at the boy before shouting '' Yes Andre! 10/10'' the boy laughs and sticks his thumbs up to the girl as his reply. As the pair waits for the next person to go Ryan turns to Isabella '' You got a nice tan, you know'' Isabella smiles holding her leg out '' I know, isn't it great. Yours is better than mine though.'' Ryan smiles at Isabella's playful response, his gaze lingering on her sun-kissed skin. "Thanks," he says, his voice soft with sincerity. "But I think yours is perfect, just like everything else about you." Isabella's cheeks flush slightly at his words, and she playfully nudges him with her elbow. "Smooth talker, Mr. smooth operator" she teases, a fond smile playing on her lips as she recalls the day they met.


After everyone has fun in the water, they join the moms at one if the picnic benches and they have lunch. Isabella just puts on the same outfit she had earlier, as does everyone else. 

As they are eating their burgers and hotdogs, they see Dickie Bailey and his group walking across the basketball court and over to the group. 

Lenny sighs '' You really wanna do this, Bailey?'' The man simply replies '' My five against your five.'' Lenny starts laughing slightly '' Oh boy, look at this. I see the boys stayed in shape, huh? Robideaux, good to see ya. If you're looking at me, I don't know.'' making the rest of the men laugh. He continues '' Look, we just wanna eat watermelon and relax, if you're all right with that.'' 

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