Chapter 1 - yet another boring morning

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Real quick heads up, this first chapter is gonna be a bit different than what I usually make, secondly the length of the chapters won't presumably be all too long, lastly if you're new here, I write in a first person POV unless I clarify otherwise, that's all.

*POV ???:*

With a smile I look over at the host of todays podcast, the most part of his features were hidden behind a microphone, the most I could see was his upper body, but frankly it didn't matter.

Host: "So you have to tell us, just HOW did you get to this point huh ?"

???: "Well I don't know where to start Tom... can I call you Tom ?"

Host: "Hey whatever you deem fit I'll take man, if you think this name fits then I'm A-o-fucking-kay with it."

???: "Huh... alright, anyways it really all started with how I got bored of so many things easily, I don't know why, for maybe a few weeks or months something would grab my attention and then just poof... it became the most boring thing ever."

???: "But there was that one thing... that one person who never bored me, can't name them but thanks either way !"

???: "Moving on, my dream became to meet them some day, to be equals or potentially even be their friend, so I did everything I could to become more popular somewhere, who cares how I got famous, I just wanna be big enough to be up there with them !"

Host: "If that isn't something huh ?"

He seems to have pressed some button on his desk that started a awkwardly long laugh track, during this time I couldn't do anything except just sit there and look around, waiting for it to end.

Host: "Before you continue I wonder what the listeners have to ask of you !"

Host: "Alright first question from... I am not reading allat, anywhos, they say..."

Host: "Oh god, oh god please help me, the pain, the agony what is happening, Alexa, please look up sudden pain in back, no Alexa don't call Paidden podcast, no what the fuck are you doing, no, stop, stop, hang up, this is why I'm a atheist, sto-"

Host: "Wow isn't that just a amazing question, what's your answer to it huh ?"

???: "...Uh-"

Host: "Great, I love how inspiring you can be, truly you have a response to anything anyone asks of you !"

Host: "Next up, REDACTED asks..."

Host: "Are you truly happy with your life, Y/n ?"

Y/n: "...What...?"

In that moment my eyes snap open as I gasp for air, my right hand quickly was raised up to clutch my chest, my heart was racing and it seemed like I had been sweating quite a lot, a part of me is disappointed it's a dream, while another is glad it wasn't real.

Y/n: "Haha... me being popular isn't that just a joke..."

I sigh and lay back down, staring up at my ceiling with a smile, the light shining through my window surprisingly only barely hit my bed, thus I wasn't losing my vision today.

'Okay let's see... what do I need today anyways...?'

Grabbing my phone that had been left on the bedside table I quickly unlock it, checking the time to see it was in fact 9 am currently, afterwards I go to my notes only to see...

Notes for today:
- make plans
- maybe clean the apartment
- probably record
remember to write notes for the next day

I can't help but lose a small part of my will to live upon reading these notes, but seeing as I still have things to do I turn off my phone and intend to put it away on the desk once more, sadly I fail at even this basic human task, instead I drop it on my face, hitting my nose as I hear it bounce off and land on my bed... presumably.

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