Heyyyyy Lol

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Hiiii everyone!! How are y'all :)

So... It may or may not have been over 2 years since I've updated... don't hate me pls

I feel like I owe you amazing readers an explanation!! Here's what I've been up to since I've been gone.

In the past two years I have:

Lost my virginity (lol???)

Been in two of the most toxic relationships on the planet

Dumped those guys!

Started working two jobs, became financially independent, moved out of my parents house while still 17

Turned 18!!

Got my tongue pierced... (for the plot) 👅👅

Started college!

To explain my absence, I simply was tired of living a lie, and writing about things I'd never experienced (like sex, and college)

I still have an incredible love for writing, considering I'm an english major, so I have been working under the radar for a couple months to finish this book and slowly release these chapters to you.

That being said, if you read the last chapter I published, chapter TEN (with all the Kirsta drama,) kindly erase that from your memory :) it was rushed, and horribly written.

After re-reading this story, I can also say I'm not entirely proud of how it was structured, so.. I've decided to remaster this story as well!

So! Every Friday you can expect a new chapter of CRYBABY and CRYBABY REMASTERED to drop! I highly highly recommend you read the remastered version... pls.. for my health..

and i pinky promise that I wont stop uploading until BOTH stories are completed. I'll also be making slight tweaks and edits to the already existing chapters of CRYBABY so make sure to re-read :)

I love you all so much, thank you for being so amazing and patient, these new chapters will not disapoint you, I swear.

p.s. if you have any questions regarding my personal life, feel free to ask!! I feel really bad for leaving yall hanging. And I love interacting with u guys :))

CRYBABY (Eren Yeager)Where stories live. Discover now