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"Come over."

I cocked my head towards the sound of his voice. "Hm?"

"Pretty please~" his hand went to caress my cheek, a giddy smile on his face.

I ran my tongue over my teeth, his contagious smile spreading to me. "Well when you say it like that..."

He smiled even bigger, his hand tracking backwards, taking control of my jaw as he leaned forward for a single, sweet kiss.

"I'll go grab you fresh clothes." he offered, securing the bath towel around his hips before opening the door, allowing the cold air in, and leaving.

I stared at myself in the foggy mirror, wiping off the condensation with my bare hand to get a clearer view. Sure enough, I had three, deep, red hickeys. One just under my jaw, one just above my collar bone, and the last, farther away, on my shoulder. I ran my finger over them ghostily, the sore sensation aching within the muscle. Though, it was nothing compared to the ache between my legs.

When I heard the door open once again, I hoisted up the towel that covered my now cold, naked body. Eren came in, presenting me with a white tee, and... workout shorts? I held up the shorts, analyzing them, and gazed at Eren in confusion. He looked at the shorts, and then looked me up and down.

"I don't see the problem...?"

"These aren't my size." I deadpanned.

"Oh! Don't worry, that was on purpose." He smiled, dismissing my concerns and turning to dress himself. I dropped the shorts, and scowled at him.

"And why exactly would you do that?"

Eren shrugged, approaching me from behind, placing a hand on my lower back before sneakily sliding it down, on top of my ass, grabbing a handful of it.

"I like you in (tight/loose) things~" he reasoned huskily, in a tone so enticing that I nearly forgave him. "Plus it's the only pair I could find, so." he released his grip on me, going to shrug his shirt on, and, after giving him another scowl, I did so too.

I assumed the shirt was Eren's, it smelled exactly like him, but it didn't exactly fit. It was far too (big/small) but, judging by Eren's earlier comments, I figured he wouldn't go get me a new one even if I had asked. His stubbornness was beyond frustrating some of the times. Sighing, I looked over to the now fully dressed brunette, watching carefully as he popped a piece of minty green gum into his mouth. That explains how his breath smells so good all the time...

"Ready to go, pretty lady?" Eren's piercing eyes looked back at me, and it took me a moment to take my gaze off of his perfect figure. I gave him a curt nod, and he opened the door for me, holding out his pinky just before he did so.

I giggled at him, and he returned my gesture with a smile, interlocking our fingers, and taking me back out into the hallway. I recognized where we came from, but, to my surprise, Eren began to lead us in the complete opposite direction.

"Shhh~" Eren hushed when he saw me open my mouth to speak. "We're sneaking out the back." A devilish, child-like grin spread across his face.

I noticed that every time he smiled, I seemed to do the same. His expression was just so pure, so kind, that I couldn't help but reciprocate it.

When we arrived, his apartment was far fancier than what I'd expected. It had a kitchen that opened into the living room, with dark granite countertops, and leather furniture to match. Two, vast hallways stretched in opposite directions, and I could only assume they led to two different bedrooms and bathrooms.

"Eren?" I asked, and he turned to look at me, ready to answer. "Do you have a roommate? Is he okay with me being here?"

"Yeah." he answered, as though it was obvious. "Yo Armin!" He shouted in the direction of one of the hallways.

CRYBABY (Eren Yeager)Where stories live. Discover now