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It'd been a long day of doing absolutely nothing. My professor cancelled the one and only class I had today, meaning I got to catch up on sleep, or so I thought. My body seemed to have woken up on its own, having grown accustomed to the early mornings that had become my life. Much to my dismay, every time I tried to lay back down, my eyes and brain both telling me they were ready for sleep, my body would refuse.

And so, I was defeated. I tried my best to do normal college things to fill the time I would normally spend in class, I visited buildings I hadn't been in yet, ran by the campus operated coffee shop, swung by the library to do some studying, and finally, headed to the cafeteria for some lunch.

I considered where to grab food from for quite a while, the cafeteria housing various foods from all sides of the planet. Eventually, my mind had wandered enough, and I settled on noodles. After waiting in line for a bit, grabbing my food, and finding my seat, I checked the clock. 12:27.

Sasha has a class at 1... I won't bother her.

Sasha was my usual lunch partner, though we would usually go around 10 or 11, before it'd get too crowded. But, for the entirety of this morning she'd been hanging out with Connie, so we didn't meet up at our normal time. I managed to keep myself occupied earlier, but now, now I was all alone, with nothing to do, and so my mind wandered. Specifically, it carried itself to last Friday night.

I remembered everything from that night. The dance, the kissing, the feeling of his tongue against my p-

"Mind if I sit?" A voice inquired, though it was rhetorical as they sat right beside me before I could answer. They lowered the hood attached to their hoodie, and I was met with tied-up locks of long, brown hair. Speak, or think in this case, of the devil and he shall appear. He hoisted a red tray onto the table at which we both now sat, and it housed something odd- a piece of chocolate cake, and a soda. Yummy lunch, I guess?

I was too awestruck to say a word- but he didn't seem to hesitate, pulling something out of his front pocket, and ushering it my way. They were orange, with a plastic sheen to them, along with what looked like a bands name, and a number.

"Tickets?" I asked, though it was really for my own curiosity.

He poked the piece of cake with his fork. "Yeah, you should take a friend and go." Eren then shoveled a rather large bite into his mouth. What happened to hello? How are you? 

Eren stared down at his tray while he spoke, and though I probably should've looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but stare at his jawline- at how defined it was, and how it moved when he chewed.

"What, you didn't wanna go anymore?" I probed. He smiled lightly, and I seemed to have sensed a bit of laughter behind it.

"Something like that." he finally looked at me, and his features were almost intimidating now that there was no alcohol to cushion our interaction. "But you should totally go. I hear they're really good, and now you can get in for free." Eren sipped at his drink, holding it from the brim of the cup, the straw sitting nicely between his pointer and middle finger.

I pondered his offer, looking down at the two tickets once more, taking special note of the date upon them. It was for Saturday night, and, if I was honest with myself, I had absolutely no plans. So, I tucked them away safely in my backpack.

I inquired, "How much do I owe you?" but Eren looked at me, mouth full and face littered with confusion. "...for the tickets? How much were they?"

He quickly swallowed. "Oh, don't worry about that. Consider it a gift."

CRYBABY (Eren Yeager)Where stories live. Discover now