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when you see two asterisks (**), it's recommended to play 'The One for Me' by Breakup Shoes

when you see three asterisks (***), it's recommended to play 'Always Forever' by Cults


added on 04/18/21
for the love of GOD don't hate me because mikasa is a 'stalker'
it's a plot point.
she'll come back into the story later.

"Woah, you look... dead."

I sighed, throwing my backpack down by the door and flopping onto my bed, not caring that I had landed face-first. "I registered for classes too late so I got stuck with an 8am class and a 9:30 class back-to-back." I groaned miserably, questioning all my life choices.

Sasha cringed, "Yikes, sorry about that bebe."

I sighed, appreciating her sympathy. I lazily turned my head to the side, searching for something to stare at till I could fall into the sweet grip of sleep, which was something that I lacked dearly in this moment. But instead, I spotted something curious. From where Sasha sat at her desk, which took up the small wall space between Krista's bed and our bunk bed, I had a clear view of her phone screen.

"Are you on tinder?" I asked, clear confusion in my voice and on my face. Sasha and I had gotten to talking last night, she'd told me she had a boyfriend, and that they've been together for around 3 months.

"Relax~" she explained. "I use it to find parties to go to. See, look-" she rose from her desk and made her way towards my bunk. I sat up as well, interested in what she had to say. "Here's a girl right now inviting me to one." She turned the screen towards me. I stared at the curious name, and tried my best to pronounce it.


Sasha stared at me for a moment, before letting out a string of hearty laughs, of which resulted in her doubling over and clenching her stomach with her arms. "Y/N.. ha.. hah... When it's spelled like that..." she paused to break out into yet another laughing fit. "it's pronounced John!"

"Ah." my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

The brunette bursted into laughter once more at my deadpanned response, and though I planted my lips firmly together to keep myself from following suit, that only egged her on further. Sashas laugh was undoubtedly one of the most contagious id ever heard, it's the kind of laugh that, in most cases, is much more hilarious than the joke itself.

"Oh.. god... whoooo, anyways, hah..." she giggled some more, wiping the tears that formed in the corners of her eyes, and took deep breaths to calm herself. "Here, look, I'll message her more and ask for the Jean guys details."

I nodded. Using tinder to find parties was one thing I never even considered doing, though, I had to admit, it was beyond genius. I applauded Sasha for her expertise. Girlhood is real.

"Okay!" she announced, having finally finished her conversation with the boy. "Turns out he's a frat boy from Sina University thats throwing, and the party is later tonight!" She turned to look directly at me, her eyes nearly sparkling. "You'll go with me, won't you?"

I paused, wondering if I'd heard her correctly. "Who, me?"

Sasha playfully scoffed, putting a hand on her chest as if she'd been mortally wounded. "Yeah, you! I can get Connie to drive us! Plus, you look like you could use a little social interaction..."

I couldn't even act offended at her comment, I mean, she was totally right. All I've done for the past four days was wake up, go to class, eat, walk back to the dorm, and sleep. Pretty sad, really. So I sighed, and gave in to her request, though I knew it only meant I'd be running on even less sleep tomorrow than I am today.

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