Dorian We All Have Bad Days

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Dorian: So when I was at school today, these two girls were making faces at me.

Solomon: What's your point?

Dorian: I didn't like that. Then, this other girl tells me to move out of the way.

Solomon: She could have been nice and said excuse me, but I'm sorry this happened.

Dorian: It's okay, I guess.

Jessica: You'll be alright, baby. Everyone has bad days.

Solomon: That's right.

Dorian: *sighs sadly* I hate my life.

This story was written on Friday, March 22nd, 2024.

A/N Dorian, it's unfortunate that those people acted like jerks towards you, but you're not the only one that has bad days. Don't let it get it you, okay? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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