Thursday: Shift Four

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Nichole pulled up to Percy's Playhouse at 12 am once again and walked right in. She wasn't even thinking. In fact, she was a bit excited. This was her second to last shift at Percy's Playhouse, and while the last few nights were a bit hard, it wasn't too bad. It's not like it was going to get any worse. As she walked to her office, she couldn't help but feel like something was watching her. She looked around but didn't see anything aside from the animatronics. She stared at Rowen, who was limp and staring into space in the Ratcade. She shrugged and walked to her office, as Rowen's head turned slightly.

When she sat at her desk and activated the Pal Percy, it looked...VERY DIFFERENT. It had no face. The Sprite had no face. "...Ok, that's strange. Let me check the monitors this time first." Nichole said When she picked up the Pal Boy, she accidentally pressed a button on it, showing a Radar system. It was online, but there was no Motion Detected at the moment. "Oh wow, sick! I wonder what this is for." Nichole thought. Scrape...Scrape.. That was a scraping sound. Nichole checked the Ratcade and it looks like her question was answered.

Rowen Rat was gone. Nichole looked up from it and groaned. "Great, well, at least he's the last one. "Yip!" A voice went. She looked around, where did that sound come from? That's when she noticed the boxes in front of her behind the window. They held the Playful Poodles, but one of them, Tat, was gone. Tat, similar to Tot, was a toy poodle based on Percy. Unlike Tat and his brother, Tim, he has a large red bowtie on. Nichole quickly checked the cameras, before finding Tat just chilling on the showstage camera, Charlie and Mother Moose were already gone, but after a few seconds, Tat disappeared. Nichole quickly pulled down her monitor, Tat returned to his box. "How did- nevermind," Nichole said. Just then, Farmer Felix began walking down the hall, his eyes yellow. Nichole pressed Yellow on the Simon says machine, and the victory jingle rang out from Farmer Felix. Around the same time, Percy got up and stared at Nichole through the window. "...Hi Percy," Nichole said. Percy didn't say anything, but he did turn his head and stared at the door. Just as he did this, Tot opened the door a bit. Percy, seeing an opportunity, began to sprint towards the door. "HEY, NO!" Nichole yelled. She quickly got up and slammed it shut, holding it closed as Percy Pounded on the door before retreating. Nichole sighed and began to play the Pal Percy, and after a bit, she noticed a smile grow on the Pal Percy. "Ok, thats creepy. "MOTION DETECTED: CAMERA 4." a voice said. Nichole checked camera four, to see Rowen Rat Peaking out from a hole in the ground. At first, she didn't know what to do, but then she noticed the Shock button in the corner. She pressed it, shocking the rat, and resetting him. "Oh good." Nichole thought. When she looked down from the monitor, she saw something peeking in at her from the door. It quickly slammed the door shut and ran off. "Hey! Get back here!" Nichole yelled. She opened the door and got into the hallway, looking around. "HEY, COME OUT! YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" Nichole yelled. She looked around but didn't see anything until she heard a whirring sound. She turned around and saw Farmer Felix, his eyes glowing red and walking towards her. Nichole could barely say a word and simply backed away in fear. Farmer Felix reached a hand out to her, when...his eyes began to flicker and a sound of his systems failing rang out. He fell, his hat falling off and hitting the ground as well. "...Oh thank lord your buggy. But I guess this means I gotta take a look at you now. The Animatronic didn't say anything and remained limp on the floor.

It took a while, like, a REALLY long time (Animatronics are heavy.), but Nichole eventually took Farmer Felix to Yellow Crafts, which was being used for storage at the moment. She sat him up and removed his tail, setting it down beside her. For some reason, despite being alone with an Animatronic, she felt safe, it's like the character was unconscious, and in a sense, it was. She lifted up the fuzzy fabric mask a bit and got into the system. "Alright, let's fix you up, Felix," Nichole said. She slowly began to reboot the animatronic's systems, fixing the gears, but while she was doing that, she heard a weird sound. It sounded like something banging against metal. She looked up and saw A Playful Poodle hanging onto Farmer Felix. "What the? Hey, Buzz off!" Nichole said. She pushed the poodle off and continued, next resetting the code, but after she did that, a message showed up, but instead of a threatening one like before, this one seemed like a call for help. "PLEASE...HELP ME..." as quick as it appeared as fast as it disappeared. "Ok, what the hell are these messages?" Nichole thought to herself. She heard another metal band and looked up to see Tim holding onto the table. She tried to push him off, but he didn't budge at first. So she did it again, but this time with much more force. Tim went flying. Kind of funny. Nichole got back to work, next turning a crank to bring back power. It took a bit, as to not overheat it. Then, she repaired his Simon Says EyeSight, before rebooting him. "SUCCESS!" A voice rang out. The Animatronic flickered back to life. "HI Kids, my name is Famer Felix! Ready to play Simon says?" He asked. Nichole chuckled. "Nice to know you're working well," Nichole said. She walked in front of the animatronic when the animatronic stopped moving its head and zeroed in on her. "T-T-Thank you." Farmer Felix said, his voice box stuttering. Nichole was somewhat freaked out, sure the animatronic could recognize faces, but it wasn't programmed to give responses like that. Plus, it was off for a while, it wasn't like it KNEW it was being worked on. "W-What..?" Nichole asked. The animatronic didn't say anything else, it just stared for a little longer, before shutting off. Nichole looked around. No one else was in the- wait, what's that? On the floor, it looked like a boot, connected to a leg. Nichole walked over to it and moved a few boxes, but....there was nothing there, but she did find a ripped poster with a character on it. But she didn't know who it was, it was too messed up to see clearly. She stuffed it in her pocket and dragged Farmer Felix into Green Playroom, after reconnecting his tail of course. After she did that, she walked out of Percy's Playhouse, not only to sleep but also...she wanted to look up something. 

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