Chapter 6

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Kairi is surprisingly quiet all the way to my car, she's probably in shock and once we're both in I turn to her.

"Kairi, I'm so..." I start but she cuts me off.

"He still loves you." She says.

"No he doesn't." I whisper and as I say it my heart cracks. She laughs as I start my car up, a full on belly laugh that continues as I pull out of the parking lot and as soon as I hit the main road she finally breaks down.

I speed to the nearest liquor store and buy two bottles of vodka, a bottle of whiskey and some drinks to mix the alcohol with. We drive to Sue's place and I hope that she won't have anything against me bringing Kairi over. We step out and I lead her to the backyard, the house is empty. Sue's probably out shopping, hopefully she brings more alcohol.

I get comfortable on one of the loungers set in front of the clear blue pool and Kairi kicks off her shoes before pulling her dress over her head. She picks up the bottle of vodka and gulps a whole mouthful down before laying her head back and looking at me.

"I shouldn't have come back. I have a great life back in London with amazing friends. I don't even know what I'm doing here." I admit as I mimick her and gulp the clear liquid. It warms my insides, burning my throat and hopefully helping to soothe the storm of emotions inside of me.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asks, which catches me off guard. "If the tables were turned I would have been trying everything to break you down so that I could have Jackson all to myself. Yet you're out here day drinking with me, a complete stranger." She says and I smile.

"It isn't our fault who we fall in love with, it just happens sometimes slowly and other times all at once. I'm in the wrong, I should never have come back and tried to speak to him as if I didn't leave him in the dust. I guess that I feel guilty for being a problem in your life, I just want what's best for Jack and it looks like you'll be perfect for him. You care deeply for him, I could see it in the way you looked at him." I say.

"You look at him the same way." She points out. "Was he talking to you over the phone last night?" She asks and the guilt hits me again.

"I may have drunk dialed him. When I heard you in the background I started arguing with him. I have no right to, you're the one that wears his ring." I tell her.

"But you're the one who holds his heart. We look a lot alike, I was the first girlfriend he got after you left, he was looking for someone who looked like you when he realised that you weren't coming back. My second name is June, which is quite close to Jia and whenever we would argue he would scream your name. When we had sex, he tried turning me into you. He made me wear my hair in messy buns and low ponytails. Had me dressing in long dresses, suits for women and  sneakers instead of stilletos. Made me grow my hair out and because of my weird infatuation with him, I let him change me into someone I wasn't. Into you." She admits while gulping some vodka every once in a while.

That doesn't sound like Jack, that doesn't sound like him at all. But people change, I just can't believe that he would do something like that.

"He never spoke about you, while we were dating he didn't mention your name even once. Until he came to my apartment one night, he was drunk out of his mind and started kissing me. That was the first time he said your name around me and after that he just called me Jia from time to time. He never told me what happened between you two. Why did you guys break up?" She asks.

"Our relationship was rocky due to our racial differences. We dated before he was rich an everyone saw him as some sort of outcast. When I introduced him to my parents they were friendly, well my mother was but as soon as he left they said that I was disgraceful towards our family. Of course I didn't listen and kept seeing him. We were together for a year and 8 months when my parents threatened to stop paying for my studies. And when I didn't listen they cut me completely off, Jack didn't really have a stable job and i had never worked a day in my life so I begged them to take me back. My father had already bought my plane ticket, paid for my new apartment and my last year of studies in London. They took my phone and laptop and gave me new ones so that I wouldn't have anything to contact him and told me that I had two days to say goodbye. He was the first person I went to, he begged me to stay but how was I supposed to know that he could provide for me or pay for my studies? We had a huge fight that night and i came here, to Sue's house after that. I went to his place again the next morning but the landlady told me that he had moved out and said that he was going back to New York. My heart shattered and i thought that he was never coming back so I left too." I say and as soon as my story is done in nearly as drunk as I was last night.

"I was going to ask him to come with me. I would've gotten a part time job to help us pay some expenses that my parents couldn't help us with but I never got to ask. I loved him with every fibre of my being but it's hard to see that somethings just won't be." I add and as I remember all the good times that we had a tear rolls down my cheek.

Something shiny is held in front of my face, I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand to get a clearer view of what I'm looking at. A large teardrop shaped diamond ring shines dazzlingly in Kairi's hand.

"This is yours. He will never love me the way that he loves you." She says.

"No, it's your ring. I don't want to be a burden, I'll be leaving soon. Get married, he'll forget about me." I tell her.

"I waited for him to get over you but he never will. I love him, I do and that is why I can't live with myself knowing that I'll never be the woman that his heart yearns for. I'm going to pack my things and move back in with my parents, they'll be pissed that I called off the engagement but who the hell cares!? I want to be independent for once in my life, I want to teach children from all over the world and London will be my first stop. Maybe we'll see each other again someday but that ring was never meant for me. You're the one he truly loves and I'll be damned i I stand in your way." She says and pushes it on my ring finger. The ring fits perfectly and i think back to when him and i went window shopping for rings.

I pull it off and check on the inside of the diamond encrusted band. 'My Soul' is beautifully written on the inside. I made a joke when I said that I wanted this ring that day, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

"Let me at least give you a ride." I say before slipping the ring into my blazers pocket.

"We're both too drunk to drive." She chuckles. A honk in the front of the house grabs our attention. "That's my brother, it was nice meeting you Jianna. Take good care of Jake." She says before walking out, half empty bottle of vodka in hand.

Once she's gone I pull the ring out and look over it once again. He proposed to her with this ring, it's unfair that she gave it to me. I'll give it back but first I need some shut eye.

What an eventful day.

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