Chapter 4

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My head throbs and my subconscious screams "I told you so!" Louder than necessary. I sit up and slowly make my way to the bathroom. My brown eyes are bloodshot, my pale skin looks paler than normal and my silky black strands of hair are a birds nest at the top of my head.

I take a shower and wash my hair, I dress in a bright red one shoulder dress that reaches just below my knees and does wonders for my tiny curves. I pull on a pair of black stilettos, a black blazer and a pair of sunglasses to hide my very hungover eyes. As I step out of the door I nearly trip over a basket left in front of it. I pick up the professionally wrapped gift basket and smile when I think that it's for Sue but when I see the mangoes stuffed in there I grab them. Sue hates them with a passion and i just happen to love them. When I pull the last mango out a card falls onto the floor. I pick it up and my heart skips a beat when i read what's written on it.

Dear Jia

I know how grumpy you can be after a hangover, remember when we went out clubbing that one night in winter and you ended up giving me a blue eye for waking you up too early?

This doesn't change anything, I still hate you for leaving me but I would hate for someone to open a case of assault against you so eat a mango and drink two shots of vodka before coming in to work today.


Stupid faced idiotic bastard!

How dare he send me this!?

Well you can't let good things go to waste just because they come from an idiot. So I peel two mangos and gobble them up before downing a shot of vodka and i feel surprisingly better. The sweet vitamins of the fruit gives me energy and the alcohol eases my headache. That's something else I learnt from him, the only remedy for a hangover is more alcohol.

I drive to work and work as efficiently as I can. When it's time for my lunch break I head down to a cafe not far from the office. This place is quite big, modern and classy enough for business meetings but chilled enough for a nice lunch break. Big windows let in as much light as possible and it bounces off the white walls beautifully. A large variety of well kept green plants are spread all around, balancing out the smell of freshly brewed coffee and sweet treats beautifully. Dark brown square tables are spread out evenly, some with booths covered in a velvet green that blends in with the plants who I others are lined with comfortable looking chairs that have white covers and green cushions. I take a seat in the back, by a two person table  and wait for the blueberry muffin and black coffee that I ordered. I take the time to text my friends back in London but the silent chatter of the cafe is interrupted by a loud, chirpy voice.

"I said decaf, double cream, espresso with extra froth. What is so hard to understand!?" A woman yells at a man behind the counter.

Her back is to me but I can tell by the way she carries herself that she is quite arrogant. I hate arrogant people. When she turns around shock rips through me, the woman looks a lot She has skin almost as pale as mine but is far skinnier than me, black hair that reaches the middle of her narrow waist and deep brown eyes that mirror mine. Our eyes connect and confusion sets on her face. She walks over to me and puts out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Kairi, mind if I sit with you?" She requests.

"Please take a seat, I'm Jianna by the way." I say as we shake hands.

"Is it just me or do we look a lot alike?" She asks with a chuckle and i nod.

"We do." I agree.

"I haven't seen you around here before, and i come here quite often." She says.

"I was studying in London for a while, I only came back a few days ago." I explain.

"It must be beautiful there, I would love to go as soon as I get married, maybe my honeymoon can be there." She says.

"It's a beautiful place and the people are amazing. When are you getting married?" I ask.

"We haven't settled on a date yet, my fiancee is a very busy man but I love him none the less. I'm actually on my way to see him, his head office isn't far from here." She explains. Just then our orders arrive. "Two chocolate brownies and a coffee with extra milk?" She questions the waiter who simply nods.

I check the time and notice that I need to get back to work. Good thing that I ordered it to go. Kairi and i get up and walk out together, she mostly talks about her upcoming wedding and about how rich her husband-to-be is but I listen and act surprised every once in a while. She's a nice woman, not exactly my cup of tea but nice none the less.

"I need to get back to work, it was nice talking to you." I say once we reach the skyscraper building where I work.

"My fiancee works here too." She says and i guess it won't be that easy to get rid of her after all.

"Miss Chang, Mr Smith wishes to see you." The receptionist says as I walk past her and my stomach drops. Hopefully it's just work related.

I forget about Kairi walking with me as I speed to the elevator and take deep breaths as it climbs higher and higher. I'm not sure if it's the elevator or the thought of seeing him again that makes me nauseous. When the doors open to a large hallway, leading directly to a set of dark oak double doors, I gulp. A woman steps out of a door that I hadn't noticed before, she smiles warmly at me before walking over.

"You must be Miss Chang, I'm Asu, Mr Smith's personal assistant. Just knock on those doors before heading in." She says.

"Do you know why he called me in?" I ask and sympathy settles on her face.

"No, sorry." She says before getting into the elevator and i watch as she disappears. The hallway feels longer than it actually is as my heels click against the marble tiles. My heart drums in my ears and it skips a beat when my knuckles hit the chilly, hard wood.

"Come in."

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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