Chapter 2

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I reach the coffee shop in under 15 minutes, a small dainty thing that has been standing long before I was born. The interior is modernized yet traditional. A place so beautiful and tiny that only a few know about it and I'm lucky to be one of them.

I make myself comfortable as I sit on one of the floor cushions in front of a table. Mere seconds later Sue plops down beside me. We embrace each other and even though we video called regularly I only now realise how much I missed her. Sue is stunning, being the daughter of two successful doctors means that she always has the best of everything that money can buy. However as with everything, there are a few negatives as well, her family has neglected her all her life and i remember the times when her parents would forget her birthday and she would run to my house crying. Surprise would flood her face when she sees the birthday cake, balloons and banner that mama and i had prepared for her. We both had our hardships and we've always been there to help each other through every obstacle.

"I've missed you so much." She says once we pull away.

"Of course you did, who wouldn't miss me?" I chuckle as she shoves my shoulder.

"Hey girls, Jia, long time no see." A waiter says that I recognise from school. We had a few classes together, i think his name is Chay if I'm not mistaken.

"It's good to see you." I smile politely as Sue orders us some tea. The man walks away a few seconds later and i turn back to Sue. "I saw Jack today." I tell her after a moment of silence and she sighs.

"After you left, he took his inheritance and bought shares in multiple companies. In this last year he's become a real business tycoon, Kenji and him are business partners. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't take the job if you knew that he was gonna be your boss." she tells me and I groan.

"How is he doing?" I ask.

"He's better, after you left he became a workaholic." she tells me and then her phone starts ringing.
"Hey honey, yeah I'm with her, shit!" she says and hangs up.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We need to go. Jackson broke Kenji's nose." she says and I shake my head. We gather our things and get into my car. I drive to the address she gave me and pull into the driveway of a beautiful mansion. We get out and rush inside. I don't have time to ponder on the beauty of the place because I'm immediately pulled into a tight hug.

"Jia!" Kenji shouts as he spins me around.

"Hi Kenji." I say with a giggle.

"You brought her?" I hear the deep voice and American accent that has my knees going weak.
"Get the fuck out! All of you!" Jackson shouts in anger and I feel my heart break all over again.

"Jack, can we talk?" I ask and finally look up at him. He's towering over me as usual, he looks amazing. His buzz cut hair suits him along with the 5 o'clock shadow beard that accentuates his sharp jaw. Those deep green eyes stare down at me and i gulp. He's more breathtaking then I remember...

"So it was you that I saw today?" He asks angrily and i sigh.

"Jack, can we talk please?" I ask again and he groans.

"Lock up before you leave." He says to Kenji and picks up a pair of keys from the elegant table top. He walks out of the door and i follow behind him. He opens the passenger side door to a dark grey Audi e-tron GT.
"Get in princess." He mumbles and i try to hide the blush that spreads across my face due to the endearment.

He still calls me princess.

I get in and so does he, the car roars to life and i smile to myself at the beautiful, dark interior. The car ride is silent and after a while the car stops. I look out the window and see that he drove us to the Kamo River, one of my favourite places. My door is pulled open and i slide out.

"How long have you been here?" He asks.

"I came back from England yesterday. I went to look for you before I left but your landlady said that you went back to California." I tell him.

"I went to face my sorry excuse of a father. He wanted to apologize so I only forgave him when he gave me my inheritance. Why didn't you wait for me?" He asks and i sigh.

"I didn't want to leave but I needed to clear my head. I was also heartbroken, i loved you." I still do. I'm too afraid to say and he laughs.

"If you fucking loved me you wouldn't have left me. I don't have time for this, i have a meeting with the CEO of Facebook in the morning." He says and i feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm sorry, i really am but try to understand, i was going to lose my family. I went back to ask if we could still see each other in secret but when I was told that you left, i left too. Everything reminded me of you, my car, the temples, the River, i couldn't sleep in my bed because I kept thinking of you." I say.

"I've told you before, I don't want to keep our relationship a secret. Your family hates me and I get that, i don't give a shit but I get it. The outcast black boy who fell for their white Asian daughter. I didn't care what people said but because of your family I lost the only woman I ever cared about." He says with his beautiful green eyes full of tears. I take his hand in mine but he tries to pull it away. I don't let him and pull him against me. I wrap my arms around his waist and take a quick sniff of his shirt.

He still smells the same, spice, wood and citrus. A smell that had engrained itself in my being.

"I miss you so fucking much princess." He says in my ear as he wraps his arms around me which makes me smile.

"I miss you too." I tell him. He pulls away first but holds my hand in his.

"I'm engaged." He says and i feel my heart fall into the pits of my stomach as the words register.

Hey my loves I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Love You All
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