ch : 13

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Author pov

The bus was quietly making its way through the jungle at night. Inside, the students were all sleeping, except for Mrs. Grace who was sitting in the front seat. She tried to use her phone but there was no signal, which made her sigh. She looked at the driver who was focused on driving, and then at Mr. Khan and Mr. Thompson who were both sleeping across from her. This made her smile a little.

She looked out the window and felt the cool air on her face. She rested her head against the window and closed her eyes. They were all on their way to a tour spot and would get there in the morning. Thinking about this, she sighed again and closed her eyes, ready for the rest of the journey.


Kiara pov

Peering out of the bus window, the jungle unfolds before me like a never-ending sea of green. I wonder silently when the trees will give way to something new. A glance at my wristwatch confirms it's 3 AM—the witching hour when the world is asleep, and I'm caught in this liminal space. I press my forehead against the cool glass, the outside world a blur of shadows and moonlight.

I had just woken up, as usual, my sleep as fleeting as a half-remembered dream. Whether it's the gentle hum of a bus, the steady thrum of an airplane, or the soft purr of a car, rest never comes easy. It's as if my body is attuned to the slightest disturbance—a name whispered, a sudden stop, and my eyes would snap open, leaving me to the mercy of my restless thoughts.

Music trickles into my ears from Kinsey's earpods, a soothing melody that's a stark contrast to the silence of the night. I turn to find Kinsey beside me, her head resting on my shoulder, her breaths deep and even in sleep.

Looking out again, I sigh, a soft sound lost in the low murmur of the engine. The trees, with their gnarled branches and whispering leaves, seem to watch over our journey. And in this fleeting moment, I find a strange comfort in their presence. The view isn't so bad, I think, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It's a reminder that beauty often lies in the journey, not just the destination.


Ahvi pov

I stared at my phone, the signal bars mockingly empty, and sighed heavily. Beside me, Hazel glanced over with a knowing look. "Damn it, why is there no signal?" I grumbled, frustration lacing my voice.

"In a jungle area, stupid. Of course, there won't be a signal," Hazel replied, her voice a calm contrast to my irritation.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding and tossed my phone into my bag with more force than necessary. The zipper closed with a finality . Turning back to Hazel, I muttered, "Now I'm hungry."

Hazel just shook her head, the corners of her lips twitching in amusement. She reached into her bag and pulled out a packet of chips, offering it to me. Gratefully, I took it, tearing the package open and savoring the crunch of the first chip. I offered some to Hazel, but she declined with a shake of her head, her gaze returning to the world passing by our bus window.

Food has always been my solace, my constant companion. It's as if I can't live without it. Once I'd finished the chips, I tucked the empty packet into my bag and rubbed my hands together, trying to rid them of the greasy residue.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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