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Dr. Lee entered the science lab, a sterile white room filled with metal tables, glass tubes, blinking machines and 15 scientists He wore a protective suit and a mask, as did other scientists, who were busy preparing the equipment. On a metal tray, he saw a syringe filled with a green liquid. It was the result of months of research, a potential cure for a deadly virus.

He picked up the syringe and walked over to a cage, where a brown dog was lying on a blanket. The dog looked up at him with sad eyes, as if sensing his fate. Dr. Lee felt a pang of guilt, but he reminded himself that this was for the greater good. He had to test the drug on an animal before he could try it on humans.

He opened the cage and gently lifted the dog, placing it on a table. He stroked its fur and whispered soothing words, trying to calm it down. He inserted a needle into its paw, connecting it to a monitor that would record its vital signs. He checked the readings, then reached for the syringe.

The syringe pierced the dog's skin, injecting a mysterious substance into its veins. The dog went completely silent, as if frozen in fear. Dr. Lee and the other scientists in the room watched the dog intently, waiting for any sign of reaction. But nothing happened. Dr. Lee glanced at the heart monitor, which was connected to the dog by wires. He saw the dog's heartbeat slowing down gradually, until it stopped completely. The monitor showed a flat line, indicating that the dog was dead. Dr. Lee sighed, feeling a pang of disappointment and guilt. Another experiment had failed.

One of the scientists in the room approached the dog cautiously, as if expecting it to jump back to life. Dr. Lee observed him silently, wondering what he was going to do. The scientist reached out his hand and touched the dog's fur gently. Suddenly, a low growl erupted from the dog's throat, startling everyone in the room. Dr. Lee and the other scientists looked at the dog in disbelief, as the monitor still showed no heartbeat. Dr. Lee shouted at the scientist who touched the dog, "Put the dog down, now!"

The scientist tried to obey, but before he could let go of the dog, it writhed in his arms and hissed and snarled like a possessed beast. Its eyes were bloodshot, its teeth were sharp, and its fur was matted with blood. It looked like a beast, a horrifying creature that only existed in nightmares. The dog bit the scientist's hand, drawing blood and causing him to scream in pain. He flung the dog away from him, hoping to get rid of it. The dog landed on the other side of the room, but it did not stay down. It got up on its four legs, ready to attack again. The scientist who was bitten clutched his wound and cried out loud, while the other scientists gasped and shouted in fear. They all backed away from the dog, as it stared at them with a murderous glare.

Dr. Lee cursed out loud, as he and the other scientists got a full view of the dog. The dog's eyes were white and lifeless, and a thick stream of larva was oozing from its mouth. Its skin was rotting and peeling off, revealing the bones and muscles underneath. Its nails were long and sharp, and its saliva was foamy and bloody. It was the most gruesome and horrible zombie dog they had ever seen. The dog ran fast, leaping at the scientist who it had bitten earlier. The scientist fell down on the floor, with the dog on top of him. The dog bit him again, this time on his arm, tearing off his flesh and veins. The scientist tried to push the dog away, but it was too strong and vicious. He released a horror scream, as he felt the pain and the infection spreading in his body. The other scientists ran towards him, trying to help him and save him from the dog.


A car came to a halt in the middle of the jungle, surrounded by trees and wildlife. A boy stepped out of the driver's seat, followed by a girl from the passenger seat. They looked at each other and smiled lovingly, their eyes sparkling with joy. They seemed to be teenagers, around 17 or 18 years old. They had escaped from the city, looking for some adventure and romance. The girl moved to the back seat of the car, inviting the boy to join her. The boy followed her eagerly, closing the door behind him . oblivious to the world outside

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