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Hey, readers! Thank you so much for choosing this book. It means a lot to us. And by us, I mean me and my awesome co-author, who came up with this brilliant idea for a story. We are both working hard to make this book the best it can be. I hope you guys enjoy it. It's my first book on Wattpad, so please don't judge me too harshly. I know it might not be very interesting or meet your expectations, but hey, it's our first book, so cut us some slack. We are trying our best, OK? And if you don't like it, well, sorry in advance. No refunds.

Oh, and one more thing. English is not our first language, so please bear with us. This book might have some (or a lot of) grammatical errors. We are not very good at English, but we are learning. If you guys spot any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let us know in the comments. We will try to fix them as soon as possible. Or maybe not. Depends on our mood. Just kidding. Maybe.

So, please give this book a chance. I hope you don't regret it. Or maybe you will. Who knows? Life is full of surprises. Enjoy!

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