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Author pov

As dawn broke, the world was bathed in a soft, golden hue, the early sun casting long shadows on the ground. At the gates of the st high school, a scene of controlled chaos unfolded. Students, clad not in their usual uniforms but in an array of home clothes, stood in lines that were more like clusters. Excitement buzzed in the air, palpable and contagious. Caps perched on heads, and conversations bubbled among friends. Teachers moved through the ranks, counting heads and checking names against their lists, ensuring no one was missing.

The reason for this unusual assembly was no secret: today was the day of the much-anticipated school tour. The students' excitement was justified-such events were rare and cherished breaks from the routine of school life. Amidst the chatter and laughter, Mrs. Grace, a figure both respected and adored, called for attention. Her voice, firm yet warm, cut through the noise, and all eyes turned to her.

"Attention, everyone," Mrs. Grace began, her gaze sweeping over the sea of young faces. "Today, we embark on an adventure, a journey beyond these school walls. But, as with all great endeavors, there are rules to follow." She paused, ensuring she had their undivided attention before continuing. "Firstly, stay with your assigned group at all times. Secondly, respect all instructions given by your chaperones. Thirdly, be mindful of your surroundings and keep personal belongings safe. And lastly, look out for each other-today, you are not just classmates, but companions on a shared journey."

With the rules clearly laid out, Mrs. Grace stepped aside, allowing Mr. Khan to take the floor. His voice, always tinged with a hint of mirth, brought smiles to the students' faces. "Alright, young explorers, find your buses and take your seats. Remember, the bus number you've been given is your chariot for the day." The students responded with a chorus of chirps, a mixture of laughter and eager conversation as they began to board the buses, one by one, embarking on a day that promised memories to last a lifetime.


Author pov

As Kinsey stepped onto the bus, the hum of conversation and the soft rumble of the engine welcomed her. She paused for a moment, taking in the familiar scent of leather and diesel, before moving down the narrow aisle. Kisara trailed just a step behind, her presence a comforting shadow.

Kinsey's gaze flitted to her phone, the screen displaying her assigned seat number-5. A quick scan of the bus interior, and she found it on the left side, an aisle seat adjacent to a window. Seat 6, the window seat, beckoned invitingly, but when Kiara offered to switch, Kinsey declined with a shake of her head. "Nope, I'm good," she said, her voice steady and sure.

Settling into her seat, Kinsey stowed her phone with a click and slid it into her white bag, a stark contrast against the muted colors of the bus. Inside, nestled among the essentials, was a stash of fast food-a small comfort for the journey ahead.

As she looked up, the bus seemed to come alive with the arrival of her companions. Hazel stepped in with a flourish, followed by Ahvi's quiet stride. Aston, Bellona, and Ken filed in, each finding their place in the moving tapestry of passengers. Marsia, Rackel, Zoya, and others joined the procession, a parade of familiar faces that brought a sense of camaraderie to the journey.

To her right, Austin and Ken settled into their seats, Austin claiming the window with an air of ownership, Ken beside him, both engrossed in their own worlds.

Then, a voice pierced her reverie. "Kinsey," Kiara called out, her tone laced with a hint of distress. Kinsey turned, finding Kiara rummaging through her bag with growing frustration. "Kin, do you have earpods? Dang it, I think I forgot mine."

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