Romance moments

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Hi :D

New chapter :D

Btw, my new cover is done by ressa_francis, she is amazing xD


Leena’s POV:

I don’t understand her, one moment she is okay and the next she isn’t. What I understood is that she has lost her mind as she started to cry, after the police announced what was happening. She knew something we didn’t and for her benefits she better not have been close to that girl, I could be a very protective sister and Code would attack anyone if something happened to us.

Ah, Code, he’s someone special but I can’t seem to get him really well, he seems to have some hidden secret that could break us in a minute, as friends, I mean. I tried asking him once what was this secret tension I noticed but only he did was change the subject, so I knew there must be things going and he just doesn’t want to mention them. I was fine with that, as long as it didn’t get in between him and me.

“Are you okay?” Code asked on the passenger sit

“Yeah, I’m fine I guess” I replied and he just stared like he knew something I didn’t

“Really Code, I’m fine” I said nodding my head

“Oh well, as you say” he said nodding his head back

The traffic finally moved, and I decided to go right instead of straight and take the faster road to reach our house.

As we reached the house, I got an idea; maybe we should all go on a vacation, somewhere away from here for 2 weeks. I decide to ask them before they got out of the car about what they thought of the plan, since I thought that we should leave soon.

“Hey, what do you guys think if we go on a vacation? You know for a break and everything from all this drama, for 2 weeks?” I asked.

“Hmm…that is a good idea for sure,” said Code.

“Yeah it is, maybe we really do need a vacation?” Stated Neveah

“True that, we do need one” said Ethan

“A vacation it is than, but when and where?” said Drake

“Maybe we should go to Europe?” Asked Heaven, and we were all shocked that she talked, but Drake recovered faster than all of us and replied with a nod

“Oh my god…Europe would be Ahh-maazingg” said Neveah with a huge smile on her face.

Ethan chuckled and said, “It would”

“We should invite Mandy and David, they are really close to us…” Heaven said

“Europe it is than, and yeah we should” said Code with a big smile on his face

“Yay to our vacation” I said with this fake happy dance, not that I was not happy, but I never did one before. Code start chuckling and I headed his way, since we started getting out the car, and he gave me a surprising hug. Everyone stared at us, as if they have never seen two people hugging randomly. Code, then, started twirling me, he started to slow me down and we both stared at each other eyes, we closed the distance between us, we were so close to kissing, but than I remembered my younger sisters and cousins are here, which was the reason I pulled away.

We entered the house, without saying anything about what was happening. I heard the tv’s sound, I wonder who would be watching such thing at 11 Pm, and when I entered, I saw Sarah (Drake and Ethan’s sister) and Zack (my brother) playing a game and laughing.

“Hi guys” I said

“Hello big sister” Zack said, and he stood up and saluted me, which caused Sarah to just laugh out loud, and I just smiled, shaking my head at them.

I went to the kitchen, which was were everyone were

“So, to Europe than?” Code asked everyone

“Yeah, but where in Europe?” I asked

“We could go on those tour yacht, where they take you around Europe” Said Neveah, smiling

“Or we could simply take airplane around Europe” said Drake

“Ahh, doesn’t matter, anyways, we’ll decide on that later, but I simply think we should stay one week in an Island, it would be nice to do that” I said

“That would be so much better…” Code said

“Yeah it would” Heaven said

“Anyways I’m going, see you guys tomorrow” I said

We all parted up, though Code followed me, he mentioned that he wants to talk about something.

Heaven POV:

As I made my way back to my room, I bumped into someone; I looked up to see it was Drake

“Sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you, I didn’t watch where I was wal-”

“Its okay,” He said interrupting me, “I wanted to see you anyways”

“Oh, cool, so I’m here now…” I said, encouraging him to continue

“Um yeah well you see, there is this…” He started but stopped talking


“Oh, nevermind…its nothing” He said with sad emotional on his face.

“Oh well, okay than, goodnight” I said

He surprise me, by pulling me into him, closing all the distance that was left between us, and we were really close, something that didn’t happen in a while which left my heart right now feeling like someone just scared me, I knew I was falling for him all over again, but that couldn’t happen again.

He somehow knew what I was thinking, since he said “Let’s forget the past, you know somehow it would work…”

He was looking down at me, but instead me staring back at his eyes, I stared at his lips, I so badly wanted to feel his kissing again.

Drake kept getting closer to my lips, waiting for me to move away, but I did nothing like that…

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2011 ⏰

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