Gentle streams of love (1/2)

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Kokushibou sat in his room, meditating. He just finished a mission, so he decided to take a break from training and relax.

However, only a few minutes later he heard a crash. He opened his eyes and stood up. 

The tall demon walked out of his room and opened his door. He stared at the destroyed room. Douma's head was flying through the room, Gyokko's pots were broken, Hantengu was on the ground crying, Akaza was nowhere to be found. 

"Biwa woman... What happened?" Kokushibou asked Nakime, who sat on her normal platform. 

Nakime turned her head to her superior. "Muzan-sama is very stressed, Kokushibou-dono. I think it's best that you talk to him", she stated in a monotone voice. 

Kokushibou nodded. "Of course. Please, send me to him." As he said that, Nakime played her biwa. Kokushibou was now in front of Muzan's office. He heard all sorts of things falling, which made him concerned. 

He knocked softly. "Muzan-sama?"

Kokushibou heard a sigh from Muzan.

After a minute, Muzan opened the door, he looked like a mess. Muzan's hair was messed up, he had eyebags, his clothes were dirty.

"Muzan-sama... Are you alright?" Kokushibou asked as he walked closer to the other, putting a hand on Muzan's hip.

Muzan sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I'm fine." Muzan then turned around and walked to his desk. There was glass all over it, papers were drenched in liquids, turning into strange colours. A piece was also missing from the desk.

"Muzan-sama, what happened?" 

Muzan stayed silent for a while. He then turned to Kokushibou. "I'm fine, you can leave." Muzan then sat on his chair and continued to write on a document.

Kokushibou shook his head and put his hand on Muzan's shoulders, he felt very tense. "My angel, you have been very stressed, no?" Kokushibou stated as he gently massaged Muzan.

Muzan gasped softly, a low moan leaving his throat. He felt his face heat up. "K-koku... shibou..." the demon king sighed.

After a few minutes, Muzan slowly closed his eyes. "Fine... I... suppose I'll take a break." He finally gave in.

He felt Kokushibou place a kiss on his neck. "Come on. We could go to the hot springs nearby?" The strongest moon said as his lover got up. 

"Sure, but... We return before dawn, understood?" the shorter said in a raspy voice. 

Kokushibou gave him a gentle smile and picked Muzan up bridal style. "Let's go, shall we, my angel?" Muzan simply nodded.


Kokushibou and Muzan had made sure they looked human so they didn't get too much attention. However, not long after that Muzan had fallen asleep.

Kokushibou walked up to the owner of the hot springs, giving some money so they could enter. "Angel? Wake up. We're here."

Muzan woke up, blinking his dark eyelashes. "Mh...?" Muzan sighed softly. "Already? Huh..." He hummed.

"You can put me down now."

Kokushibou kissed his forehead. "I rather enjoy holding you, angel." 

Muzan rolled his eyes and gave him a soft slap. "Put me down." 

After a bit of bickering Kokushibou reluctantly put Muzan down. Muzan slowly yawned and walked to the changing rooms. "I'll change first", Muzan said before walking inside the changing room. 

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