Nightmares turned to reality

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A/N: I was bored so I asked JolyneKujoxnothing This will contain a stalker (not Michi nor Muzan) This is angst and fluff mixed (?)

Michikatsu was asleep, until he felt someone nudge him awake. He lay on his side and turned around, he grunted and opened his dark purple eyes, what met his gaze was his boyfriend, Muzan. Who seemed to look terrified, his eyes look red, as if he'd been crying. "Love...? What's the matter?"

Muzan shaked, he had just woken up from a nightmare. He had woken Michikatsu up, it wash first thing he thought after waking up. "M-michi..." Michikatsu yawned and sat up. It was night time and the full moon was glowing, making him feel stronger just by looking at it, he then looked back at Muzan, who seemed to fear him for some reason. "Yes, my dear?" He asked while rubbing Muzan's head.

Muzan clenched his hand tightly into the warm blankets as his body trembled. Tears were forming in his eyes again. "I..." He looked down, as if he was embarrassed.

It confused Michikatsu why Muzan was acting this way, he thought about something but he hoped it wasn't true. He was going to ask him, but something told him not to. He just wanted to get this over with, so he looked at him again and asked him. "Did you have a bad dream?"

Muzan nodded softly, nuzzling his head into the sheets as he curled into a ball. "Yes..." he sniffed, trying to wipe his eyes. Michikatsu sighed, it was clear that Muzan was hurting from his nightmare so he sat right next to him and hugged him tightly, he then looked him in the eyes and started kissing his forehead. "Shh, it's okay... It was only a nightmare, I'm here, my love."

Muzan trembled in Michikatsu's arms. He cried softly on his boyfriend's shoulder. "It's okay, it was only a bad dream, it isn't real, I would never hurt you." Michikatsu continued to comfort his boyfriend, rubbing his back in a soothing way. "I promise..."

"Michi... I-I..." He gulped, cuddling tighter against Michikatsu. Michikatsu sighed and continued to rub Muzan's back as he started to kiss his cheek, trying to calm him down. "What... do you need to tell me something, my love?"

Muzan leaned close to Michikatsu's ear. "I'm getting stalked..." he revealed, shaking in fear. Michikatsu's eyes widened and his pupils dilated, even if he was in shock he kept a straight face as he continued to comfort his lover. "Stalker...? Do you know who?"

"No... But I've been receiving photos of myself by an unknown number," he grabbed his phone and unlocked it. He then went to his messages and showed Michikatsu the photos and messages. One photo was of Muzan in the bathroom, it looked like the stranger was in the closet. Under the photo was written 'I can't wait to have you all to myself, darling.'

Michikatsu's eyes slightly widen and he felt his stomach sink, his mind became fuzzy as he realized what was happening. He was shocked of the photo, and he feared what could end up happening to his lover if the stalker kept this up. "My darling, how long has this person been messaging you like this?"

Muzan looked down in shame. "About 2 months..." he said in shame. "A-at first I thought it was a prank, then I asked our friend group, but everyone said they didn't know what I was talking about. I thought the messages would stop after a bit but they didn't... I tried to block the number, but they'd make new ones, I suppose."

Michikatsu thought for a moment before speaking in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry, my love... I have an idea on how to deal with this." He smiled softly and got off the bed, still kissing Muzan's forehead. He looked at his boyfriend for a few seconds before saying, "Go to back to sleep, I'll handle this."

Muzan sweat, he was worried that this stalker would hurt his boyfriend. "A-are you sure? Wouldn't it be dangerous? I-I mean we don't know who this stalker could be..." he frowned, shaking slightly.

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