The Present

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Cheering from the streets could be heard inside the carriage. Raon was looking out the window in his invisible state. His brother and sister were beside him, their tails wagging at the sight before them.

Humans were crowding the large and winding streets. They wore expressions that showed varying emotions as they cheered with vigor. Flower petals covered the streets, probably having fallen from the various flowers that people were waving about.

"Why don't you look out the window, young master Cale?" Good Mary asks from underneath her robe. Her voice was emotionless, a complete contrast from the cheering that could be heard from outside the thin, wooden walls of the carriage.

Raon looked away from the window to look at his human. His human shook his head as he slumped back farther into the seat. "This is your moment."

His human always did that. Denying the attention he deserved while giving it to those around him. It was an admirable quality that his weak human possessed.

Mary turned away to look out the window at his crisped words. The cheering for Mary grew even louder, though the cheers for Young Master Silver Light were even louder.

Raon puffed out his chest proudly. He loved when others took notice of how good and noble his human was. Only a good and noble human could raise a great and mighty dragon like himself after all!

The sunlight reflected off of a shiny surface, catching Raon's attention. There was a little boy holding a heart-shaped silver shield badge with small wings on it.

"Look human! It's your shield!"

His human grumbled as he looked out the window. A frown formed on his face. Raon never understood why his human didn't like all the attention.

"How tacky," his human tsked.

"I like it," Mary chimed in. Raon, On, and Hong nodded in agreement.

"I want one!" Raon exclaimed while looking hopefully at his human.

"Me too!" Hong said as he rubbed against their human's leg. On didn't say anything but she did look at their human expectantly.

The human tsked and leaned back farther in his seat. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared blankly at the carriage wall.

. . . . .

Raon, On, and Hong bounded up the stairs to their room after they returned from the castle. Good Mary and Strong Choi Han received a lot of attention.

The three of them burst through the bedroom door and came to a stop. There was something laying on the bed. Three somethings to be exact.

Hong was the first to reach the bed. "Badges!" His cheerful voice screamed as he held up something that shone silver in the light.

Raon flew over to where he was sitting on the bed. Looking down showed him that there were three identical badges like the one the little boy from earlier had.

Just then, their human came to stand in the doorway with a disgruntled but pleased look on his face.

"Human! Human, are these ours?" Raon asked as he gingerly clutched the badge in his paws.

"If you want," was the human's short, gruff reply. The same reply he usually gave in these situations.

"Yay!" Hong was admiring the badge that he had picked up earlier. "This one's mine!"

"And I have mine!" Raon chimed in while looking at his badge. It looked just like the silver shield that his human used. His chest puffed up and his tail swayed back and forth as he admired his shiny new gift.

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