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Raon flew overhead, looking down at Choi Han, Hilsman, and the Wolf Tribe children. Choi Han was currently teaching them swordsmanship. They were near the inner part of the Forest of Darkness, where the monsters were stronger. Though the monsters weren't strong enough to face Choi Han or the great and mighty Raon.

"The human said to remember to go easy on them during training." Raon reminded the strong Choi Han. Choi Han was strong enough to wipe out everyone here. . .well, except for the great and mighty Raon. His weak human was smart to worry about those that Choi Han was in charge of teaching.

Choi Han gave a quick, short nod of his head to show that he understood. His broad back stood straight and his black hair sparkled in the morning sunlight that breached through the dense treetops. Choi Han's hair was almost as black as his scales.

"I'm leaving now!" Raon took off, heading out of the Forest of Darkness. The Forest of Darkness was their playground since it was right outside the village that his human had claimed as their second home.

The sound of Choi Han's sword reached his ears even as he flew away. It was then followed by the sound of something exploding.

He was at the edge of the forest, where it became less dense and more sunlight bled through the tops of the trees, when he heard a thumping noise that sounded like something sharp hitting wood.

He looked down to find Gramp's son throwing knives at a tree. Beacrox was a good cook who was nice. . .he was also really good at handling anything with a blade.

"Wow! You're really good!" Raon told him as he landed on the ground by Beacrox.

Beacrox gave a perceptible nod of his head. His facial expression was stoic and emotionless.

"Why do you use a greatsword when you are talented at throwing knives?" It was a question that Raon had never thought to ask but now that he had seen Beacrox throwing knives, it came to mind.

"The greatsword was my mother's weapon," came Beacrox's slow, emotionless reply.

"It's good to honor your mother!" Raon told him, becoming proud of Beacrox.

Raon then flapped his wings and took off into the sky, leaving behind a stunned Beacrox.

Everyone was training hard. Raon needed to train too. Even though he was already great and mighty, he still needed to train to not fall behind the others. He needed to get stronger to protect his human.

He flew by the window of their house to find his human still sitting in his favorite rocking chair. On nimble wings, Raon turned around. He flew over On and Hong who were being trained by gramps.

Raon flapped his wings, heading back to the Forest of Darkness, into a section where Choi Han and the others weren't. He needed to practice but didn't want to scare the humans with his great and mighty powers.

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