A Sundae Delight

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Raon lifted his head up off the bed. His human was sitting in his favorite rocking chair, staring out the window. His human loved to just do nothing on some days. That was fine with Raon since his weak human couldn't get hurt while gazing out the window.

On and Hong were still outside with the wolf boys. They had been training with the new members of their family. Sometimes, Raon joined them but he didn't this time. He agreed with his human that doing nothing could be fun too.

He yawned and then slowly flapped his wings until his body was no longer on the bed. He then flew out of the room that he shared with the weak human, On, and Hong.

The house was quiet since almost everybody was outside training. Only Roan, his human, gramps, and gramps' son-who makes delicious food, were inside.

Raon flew down the stairs, gently flapping his wings. It only took him a minute but he finally reached the first floor. With new energy, he flapped his wings harder.

He soon came upon the kitchen. Beacrox was inside the large kitchen sharpening his greatsword. His human flinched whenever he saw Beacrox with a blade and that was something Raon couldn't understand since the sight always made his tummy growl in anticipation of delicious food.

"Gramps' son who makes delicious food, the great and mighty Raon is hungry."

Beacrox put his greatsword away before turning to Raon. "What would you like?" He said a bit stiffly. Raon paid him no mind since he knew Beacrox was secretly nice.

"Sundae!" Raon shouted while flapping his wings in excitement. His human wouldn't like finding out how many sweets Raon devoured in one setting, but it was fine today since his human wouldn't be leaving his spot on the rocking chair for another few hours.

Beacrox gave a curt nod before turning away. Raon floated down to one of the chairs. He listened to the noises that Beacrox made as he moved around the kitchen. The human moved quickly and with precise movements, showing just how well he knew what he was doing.

Raon started chuckling to himself when he realized that he would get to eat this sweet all by himself since On and Hong were still outside. He couldn't wait to rub it in his siblings' faces once they returned back from training.

Before long, a towering sundae with vanilla ice cream, strawberries, bananas, and blueberries was placed in front of him.

"Thank you!" Raon sang happily before digging in. The cold sweetness rushed down his throat. Nothing beat a sundae-well, except for maybe apple pie.

But his apple pie was for his human! Raon was great and mighty for resisting the call of the warm, delicious, sugary tasting treat.

A tired On and Hong came in when Raon only had a couple of bites left.

"Meeeoooow!" Hong whined while looking at Raon's sundae.

Raon used his paw to scoot it closer to himself. This was his sundae! Gramp's son made it especially for him!

Hong whined even louder when he realized that Raon wasn't going to share. His red ears and tail drooping, almost causing Raon's heart to waver at the pitiful expression.


Two bowls clinked against the table as Beacrox placed a sundae in front of the kittens. Raon would no longer have to worry about his wavering heart! His siblings have sundaes of their own now!

"Meow," came On's short, polite 'thank you'.

Hong quickly meowed his thanks before dipping his head toward the bowl.

Raon knew Beacrox was nice! Now if only his weak human would believe him!

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