9: Fall of the Fortress

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"You're outnumbered, Duke," said one of the Fatui members. "The Fortress is already ours."

Wriothesley scanned all of the enemies. Even though, he had defeated a large number of foes in the past, he had never been in a situation like this before. There were about 45 Skirmishers, 3 Electro Cicin Mages, 1 Cryo Cicin Mage, and 1 Wind Operative. He knew the Cryo Cicin Mage and the Wind Operative were going to pose the largest threat for him.

"Tell me," Wriothesley spoke. "Is this Arlecchino's doing?"

The Fatui members began to laugh eerily. 

"Father only ever cared about stopping the prophecy," answered one of the Fatui Skirmishers. "We used to work under her, but not until she devoted her resources to helping the people of Poisson out. Can you believe that? A Harbinger "helping" people out. It's a disgrace."

"So, you all went rogue? Don't you Fatui also have a code to follow? You really think the Knave will let you get away with this?"

"Father gave up on Infiltrating the Fortress plan," added another Skirmisher "So, that's why another Harbinger had to take over. We just switched our alliance."

Wriothesley scoffed. "Sandrone, then..."

"Nope!" laughed the Cryo Cicin Mage. "Try again!"

"It can't be that fool, Childe-"

"Hey! He may be a fool, but he's hot!" The Cicin Mage yelled. "Don't you dare talk shit about my future husband!"

A second Cicin Mage scoffed. "Your future husband? Are you dumb? He's obviously going to marry me. We actually have a thing."

The third Cicin Mage chimed in. "You must be both out of your minds. You see these earrings I'm wearing? He gifted me it! So, he's obviously mine!"

Wriothesley's head was pounding now. Another headache was forming. He was about to name another Harbinger when the Wind Operative interjected. 

"Enough of this bullshit! Focus on the goal! Lay this Duke to rest already!"

"Leave this to me," said one of the Cicin Mages, taking a step forward, her electro Delusion at the ready. "I can take the Duke alo-"

The Cicin Mage's shield was instantly broken and she was frozen to the core by Wriothesley by a single charged attack. 

"Don't underestimate him!" cried the Wind Operative. "Everyone, attack all at once!"

The Fatui members rushed at Wriothesley from all sides. The Duke used all of his experience and cryo abilities to hold them back. He managed to defeat 20 of the Skirmishers and the remaining 2 Electro Cicin Mages single-handedly, but his stamina was quickly draining. There was just too many of them. 

He needed to take out the Wind Operative, who kept attacking from a distance, but he couldn't do it with all the heavy-hitting Skirmishers in the way. And he had no idea how he was going to face the Cryo Cicin Mage, knowing that his cryo vision would do little damage. His normal, charged, and plunging attacks could do only so much.


He dropped to his knees after taking multiple heavy blows to his stomach. His face was riddled with scratches. If only there was someone else that could keep the Skirmishers and the Cryo Cicin Mage at bay, he could deal with the Wind Operative. 

If only...

The elevator finally arrived to their floor. There was a sudden burst of pyro in the area that blasted the majority of the Skirmishers backwards. A Grin-Malkin Cat appeared, moving around freely, making its way towards the Cryo Cicin Mage. 

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