7: The Abandoned Production Zone

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Knock! Knock!

The knocks outside of the Duke's office were becoming rougher and impatient.

Wriothesley looked at you scrambling to put on your clothes and making yourself look as presentable as possible, even though the task seemed impossible.

He smirked at you. He couldn't help but think how adorable and sexy you looked all flushed and stumbling over your feet to quickly dress. It was turning him on again. He approached you and placed a hand on top of your head, smoothing down your hair, which was a total mess.

"Fucking hell. If we weren't interrupted, I'd be taking you on top of my desk next," he whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

His voice and suggestion made you shiver in excitement and also fear, since your lower half was already sore from the pounding from earlier.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock!

Wriothesley let out a frustrated grunt at the sound of banging.

"State your name and business," he said coldly behind him, reluctantly letting go of your body.

"Your Grace! It's me, Elise."

His eyes flashed with anger at the sound of her voice. He remembered what this guard had done to you behind his back, and he couldn't control the look of fury that now displayed on his face. He waited for you to take a seat on the couch before he allowed Elise to enter. Wriothesley took a seat behind his desk, crossing his hands in an attempt to control his rising fury.


Elise stomped upstairs. When she saw you in the room, her face twisted in disgust. She was surprised to find you sitting there looking all disheveled and dirty. She wondered if it was the aftermath of your confinement. She tried very hard to not let out an evil grimace. 

"Elise," Wriothesley called out. "I am glad you are here. I have something serious to discuss with you."

Elise immediately turned her attention to the Duke, her facial expression returning to normal - a feign kindness which Wriothesley and you could see right through.

"Yes, of course," she replied with a smile. "But... shouldn't our discussion be in private? Shall I remove this prisoner from the room?" She pointed a thumb in your direction without even looking at you.

"You will do no such thing," Wriothesley said in an angry tone. "Speaking of removals, let's talk about yours. From the Fortress, that is."

Elise's jaw dropped open in confusion. "What do you mean by that, my Lord? I have been nothing but committed to you!"

Wriothesley clenched his already closed fists, as if trying to maintain his composure. The audacity this guard had was truly despicable. "Falsely accusing (y/n) of attacking you after you threatened her with a weapon, and then executing an unauthorized punishment, which has been forbidden at the Fortress of Meropide for decades... you have broken two integral rules."

"I..." Elise looked at you with anger in her eyes, hoping you would be threatened enough to say something in her defense. But you kept your mouth sealed shut. You were enjoying seeing this corrupt guard getting what she deserved.

Elise scoffed and then spoke again. "Firstly, I did not falsely accuse her. I was attacked so quickly that I lost my focus, and she was the only person in the room-"

"Another lie," Wriothesey interjected. "Lyney was also in the room, and he has already admitted the error of his ways." 

Elise argues back. "Punish that asshole for attacking a guard! He isn't even supposed to be at the Fortress in the first place!"

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