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Present lucana was shown back as Lewis was then shown "but wait how is he alive if there was no record of him after "he asked confused as lucana wipes the tears away as she let out all her emotions.

"Nosey humans"kol says.

Lucana the smirks as she crossed her arms"as you can see we stayed well hidden for 84 years "she says.

"I bet you they are gonna do something to piss her off"kol bets with a smirk as there siblings knew how there older sisters temper.

"But how have y'all stayed this young for so long "Brock asked for shock.

"You really wanna know "jack asked as the humans nodded there heads as he and lucana show there vampire/hybrid faces as many of the humans scream in shock running out the room.

"It felt good to make them scream especially lewis"lucana smirks as jack agreed with his mate it did felt good to scare the ignorant humans after there disrespect.

Soon the subs were shown disappearing as the ship was once again left in the dark.

Later on that night rose was shown walking along the deck as the wind blows gently as a moon was shown high in the night sky as she walks over to the rail she has one final piece to do before she finally will rest in peace as lucana, jack and Lizzy watch with tearful smiles as rose has been waiting for 84 years to do this.

"Is this when"Klaus asked his twin who nods her head with tears.

She places her hands on the railing as she gently places her foot on the bottom rail bar as she holds her self up as she smiles gently before opening her hand showing the heart of the ocean necklace still looking the same as it did that day she found it in hockleys pocket as tears filled in her eyes.

Young rose was shown looking up at the statue of liberty as lucana and jack feel the rain as it washes away all the stress and pain from events that happened hours ago as they headed back home with rose.

Rose looks at the statue with tears before frowning in confusion as she feels something in the pocket of the coat she was wearing before pulling out the heart of the sea as old rose was shown again as she smiles softly before clutching on to it for a moment before tossing it gently out into the sea as he slowly sinks down back where it belongs.

"Rose how could you do something so stupid"cal fumes.

"She did what was right to her but you wouldn't know about doing anything right if it bit you in the bloody ass!"lucana hisses bareing her fangs.

"It's done Rose you can finally be in peace"lucana says with a tearful smile.

"You waited for 84 years for peace"Rebekah asked with a soft smile as rose nods her head as jack and lucana hug her.

Soon she was shown asleep as pictures of her life were spread out over the room as she peacefully passes away in her sleep as lucana and jack hear her heart stop.

Lucana sobs in her hands as jack holds his mate with tears knowing that rose was no longer in pain.

Lucana sniffles as she wipes her eyes as she knows what they have to do next she needed to wipe away the memory of the supernatural.

"You and Lizzy pack up her things I'll deal with the humans"she says before walking out the state room as she listens for the heart beat of the humans she had just told her story to.

"I'm telling you we can maya gold mind if the world knew that vampire and hybrids exist man"she hears Lewis making her snap as she kick the door open to the room they all were in not to long ago as the humans whirl around in shock.

"What did I tell you"kol says with a laugh as his siblings shake there heads.

"Sorry that's not gonna happen"she says coldy before suddenly they couldn't move as they stood frozen with fear.

"Oh the mikaelson temper"Klaus says with a smirk lucana always had the worst temper out of all of them.

"It's time to erase the knowledge of supernatural from your little maggot minds"she says as does a wide spell so that when she compelles them it will work on all them at once.

"You will not remember about the supernatural vampires or hybrids you heard the truth about how Titanic sank and came empty handed returning to y'all greedy selfish laughs in dumps now sleep"she compelles them as the fall to the ground sleeping as she walks out the room.

"Sweet revenge sister"Rebekah says as many agree with her as the humans in that room deserved it.

She makes her way back to jack and Lizzy who had all there stuff packed "let's go home"she says before closing her eyes as she chants in Latin as she, jack, Lizzy, rose and there belongings disappear.

They soon reappear at there home as lucana turns to jack and Lizzy "lest bury her with her husband"she says as they nodded there heads.

They were soon by roses grave by her husband as the wind blows gently.

"We'll miss you rose"lucana says with tears as she ,Jack and Lizzy stand around her grave as they say one last goodbye.

Lucana tears up as she hugs rose not wanting to loose her again as jack joins the hug as they were the Three musketeers.

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