the drawing

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Lucana was in her room as she got ready for the morning church service as she wore a beautiful lavender dress with a black lace skirting as she slips on a set of gloves as her hair was pinned up under her hat that was the same color of her dress with a bow.

The solon was re organized for church She was then shown in one of the many rows as the others sing along with the caption she noticed rose she had her hair down with her bangs pulled back with a butterfly clip wearing a blue style dress with a white under dress with a red sash around her waist looked less happy as her heart beat was beating fast she had a feeling it had something to do with cal and ruth as she grits her teeth she was not gonna let them take away her happiness.

She waits in a corner of a room as rose was shown talking to Mr Andrew about the life boats before waiting for the right time as she pulls rose in with a gasp"lucana"she says shocked.

"What did cal and ruth do to make you so unhappy again rose please tell me your like a sister to me"lucana says as rose sighs before they take a seat.

"This morning I found out cal sent Lovejoy to spy on me as usual...when I tried to stand up to him when he ordered me not to behave like a free person and to stay away from you...he got so angry he yelled and threw the table I was so scared lucana I don't want to marry someone like that"rose sobs before lucana pulls her into a warm hug.

"Come with me you don't have to stay with them rose"lucana says pulling away as she gently wipes away her tears.

"You would do that for me"rose asked her with a sniffle.

"In a heartbeat"lucana says with a gentle smile.

Rose then thinks about something as she takes the heart of the oven necklace off"I want you to take this I saw the way you looked at jacks drawing go have your moment I'll come see y'all when you're done"she says with a smile before leaving a blushing lucana.

Lucana walks to up to Jack who was leaning against the rail"jack"she says making him look up with a smile.

"Hey I wanna show you something come here"he says before grabbing her hand leading her in front of him

"Now close your eyes"he says as lucana trust him as she closes her eyes "now step up"he says as he guides her gently to the boat rail walking her up to it before she takes a slow step up on one of the bars as he helps her"now hold on to the railing keep your eyes closed don't peek now step onto the rail"he says as lucana laughs softly as she trusts him as she keeps her eyes closed stepping onto the tail carefully "hold on hold on"he says as he climbs on to the rail behind her"keep your eyes closed "he says as lucana smiles as the wind blows gently through her hair.

"Do you trust me"jack says smiling as it was now sun set.

"Always"lucana says with a smile.

He then stretches her arms out like shes flying as the wind gently blows. Jack gently lays a hand on her waist as her back was pressed to his chest"all your eyes."he whispered softly into her ear.

Lucana slowly opens her eyes as she gasp as she looks ahead of her. she looked as if she were flying as a smile graces her face"I'm flying jack I'm flying"she says with a smile as a beautiful reddish sunset was in front of them as she continues to hold her arms out as they are shown at the bow rail of the ship.

Jack smiles as he  then laces his fingers with her as he as he sings in her ear softly" come Josephine in my flying machine, going up...she goes, up she goes " he sings as they soon wrap there arms around each other as lucana leans back into her mate.

Lucana turns her head to face jack "kiss me"she whispered as she looks up at him with longing before she kisses him lifting up her hand as she gently holds the back of his neck as they share a long waited passionate kiss with one another as the bow rail of shown slowly fades back to its ruins on the monitor.

Old rose is shown as she turns away from the monitor."that was the last time titanic ever saw daylight"she says.

Lucana was shown leaning against the counter "that was also the night were everything went down hill"she says running a hand through her hair as jack hugs her to his side many look at the two immortals in shock.

"So we're up to dusk the night of the sinking six hours to go"Brock says with a nod of his head.

Lewis walks around "incredible there's smith and he's standing there and he's got the iceberg warning in his fucking hand excuse me his hand and he's ordering more speed"he says with a huff as he walks past rose and lucana.

"It wasn't his fault actually it was Bruce ismays fault "lucana says remembering how the man constantly talked about making all the headlines.

"That and the captians got Twenty six years of experience working against him. He figures anything big enough to sink the ship they're gonna see in time to turn. But the ships to big with too small a rudder doesn't corner worth a damn."he says as lucana nods her head he was right.

Lucana then turns to the monitor of her estate room as everything fades back to the past.

"Please come with me"she says turning around before she gently grabs his hand before leading him back to her estate room.

She opens her door letting him in"please sit down"she says as they take a seat on the couches "I don't know you feel the pull but there is a mate bond between us jack"she says twiddling like her fingers nervous.

"I have been feeling a pull towards you I just didn't know why but now I do cause I'm in love with you "jack says honestly making her smile at him.

"I'm in love with you to jack have been since we met...can I ask you something"she says rubbing the back of her neck.

"Sure anything "he says with a soft smile.

"I want you to draw me like one of those women in your drawings but with nothing on but a necklace "she says as he blushes.

As jack was setting up the room for the drawing lucana was shown in her bedroom in an old black wooven dress that was held tightly by leather string as she takes her hair down as it lays in curls over her chest and down her back before out in the heart of the sea necklace as she takes a deep breath.

She then was shown opening door steeping out as jack sits getting paper and stuff ready when he looks up at his mate she looked more in her element in the 10 century dress.

She then moves her head to the side as she lifts up arms hands to the back of her dress as she pulls the black leather string loose as her dress slowly slides down her shoulders before she lets it fall to the ground standing naked with only the necklace in from of her mate who stares openly at her beauty as lucana smirks.

He realized he was starting before gulping before pointing to the couch"over on the bed uh, the couch"he stutters as she laughs softly.

Lucana goes over to the couch as sets gently down before she lays back on it she as one hand by her face while the other was above her head posing for him once they found the right pose jack started drawing with skill.

Lucana smirks at her mate before pouting with a tease "So serious"she says playfully as jack smiles shaking his head while drawing her in detail.

Lucana was shown looking forward as a close up on her eyes is shown as it fades back to her present self as she smiles holding jacks hand"my heart was pounding the whole time it was the most erotic moment of my life..."she says as she looks at the people in front of her as the males stare as she glares.

"We didn't go that far you pigs"she spat disgusted as jack laughs pulling his fistey mate to his side.

Cal glares at rose"how could you give that that thing the necklace I gave you as a sign of my love for you"he says.

Rose looks at him blankly "because it was all about wealth for you I just wanted unconditional love but you didn't understand "she says turning away from him.

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