the sinking part 2

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Cal was shown standing in the boat as he holds on to the rope as it moves many of the passengers who were in the boat scream in agony as they try to climb up in the boat.

As titanic sinks all the passengers above deck can be heard screaming as the run to the stern of the ship as many fall over from being pushed or some jump off.

Lucana remembers hearing each heart beat slowing die from with in the ship and out to the panicking souls splashing around frantic in the ice waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Lucana was shown pushing her way through people gently as she and Jack try to grab the rail looking to the side of the ship that was sinking fast. jack grabs her by the hands as he pulls her to run"we have to stay on the ship as long as possible"he says before they run towards the stern of the ship as it continues to rise up.

Titanic moans as she continues to sink the main bridge completely under as the stern was completely out of the water as the first funnel was starting to sink in the water.

"Jesus"Bonnie says in shock at how fast the ship is going.

Down in the grand staircase the top floor was sinking fast with rapid waters as the windows break sucking in person from outside as they scream in fear and agony.

Many watch with tears none of them knew what fear really was until they were brought here seeing these people fight for there lives.

One male was shown grabbing out to the carved angel as he screams in agony. Up above deck many passengers where shown everywhere as some jump or climb from the rails above to get on deck.

"This way right through this rail."jack says as he and lucana climb over a rail before jumping the small leap before running off through the frantic passengers

Down in the grandstair case a few passengers were running up the stairs away from the water as John Jacob holds on to one of the wooden beams as he looks at the people around him as they swim through the water to get up the stairs as some who were right under the roof of the floor scream as the water floods drowning them as a women and a man are shown trying to get through the water as the women screams in agony as the water was filling up fast as the clock was soon under water.

"Your all powerful why can't you do something"Elena snaps.

Lucana snaps smacking her so hard the doppelganger fell to the ground in pain as her mouth was bloody "I told you I couldn't expose my self it would have caused more panic and chaos do you think I enjoyed hearing there screams of pain and agony!!!"she roars with tears as jack holds his mate back from strangling Elena as he glares at the Doppleganger for upsetting his mate.

The windows to the grand staircase break as a passenger was sucked in as the water was know fully flooding the grandstair case. Fabrizio was about to be sucked in before he uses his arm and hand to grab the top to keep him self from being sucked in before pushing him self away from the window as swims.

Lucana and jack where shown on one of the roofings as they climb over before the two immortals just down landing on there feet as jack grabs his mates hand as they were running to the stern of the ship again.

Cal was shown pushing people back as he only lets a few back on to the boat"back!"he yells as many were shown swimming in the water. The officers who were left on deck are shown trying to climb onto a turn over boat.

Before snapping is heard lucana turns her head as her teary eyes to where the noise came from as her eyes widen in horror as she was being pulled by Jack"no!"she cry's as she watches more cables snap from the funnel.

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