a new life awaits

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Lucana sits up as her skin slightly pale do to the cold as her hair lays in ringlets her lips blue"my love we survived"she says turning to jack who sits up his skin slightly pale with blue lips as he gently holds her to him as she winced hearing there screams of agony.

"I can not bear hearing this any longer I must end there suffering"she whispered with tears.

"How"jack asked.

She stands up with the help of Jack as she uses her magic to keep the piece of wood they were on stable as she looks at the lost souls that were screaming in agony as she holds her hands up as a purple mist appears as her hybrid eyes glow" here my cry in my soul end thys pain into a peaceful sleep"she says as the mist travels to each person ending there suffering one by one.

"How could you just take there souls like that you monster"ruth spat.

Lucana speeds towards her as she grabs the bitch by the neck pulling her closer "you think I wanted to take there lives I didn't I ended there suffering. You have no idea on how freezing and painful that water was for those humans none of the boats but one came back but by then they came it would have been to late so I put them into a peaceful sleep death were they wouldn't be in pain you bloody bitch!"she roars as the room shakes from her power making everyone stumble.

"She right what our older sister did was out of her heart"Rebekah says as the mikealsons and jack with the honorary sister stand as one.

Mr lowe was shown as three life boats where close to each other "now bring your oars over there and tie these boats together as well now make sure that's tied up nice and tight"he says giving orders as the passengers and officers do as he says before looking back at the screaming passengers in the water as they scream for help before turning back to the passengers and officers."right listen to me men we have to go back. I want to transfer all the women from this boat right now as quick as you, can please"he says as they do what he ask he noticed there screams dieing out one by one they needed to hurry.

The officer who was shown blowing the whistle was now show dead having died in a sleep like state as his body hangs on the chair do to the ice between his hand the chair as everyone around him just floats there having died the same way no longer suffering.

Lucana turns to jack"soon it will be sunrise we need to get to rose before cal and her mother do hold my hands"she says as jack dose before she closed her eyes chanting before the slowly fade away before reappearing on the ship that is coming to there aid as they hid in the shadows.

"We wait here until rose gets on and then we'll help her escape cal and ruth"jack says holding her to him.

Many watch the screen heart broken as all the people in the water had died they couldn't imagine what that most of felt like.

Mr lowe was shown useing a light as his boat heads to the passengers in the water hopeing they were still alive. When they reach them it was to quiet as the row "oars!"lowe calls out.

"Do you see any moving"Mr lowe asked the officers in the boat asked as they row forward "no sire none moving sir"his men told him.

"Check them"Mr lowe says as one of the officers grab one."these are dead sir"one officer says checking some. They continue forward as the gently move the bodies out the way "is there anyone alive out there can anyone hear me is there anyone alive out there"mr lowe hollers before before seeing  It was a third class women holding her baby skin pale white as well her her baby both look peaceful in a sleep like way.

Many gasp with tears as nelanie looks away from the screen with tears.

Lucana cry's dropping Ruth who gasped holding her neck as she quickly backs away as cracks from on the walls as her magic was lashing out do to her emotions as the lights blink and spark.

Jack quickly speeds over hugging his mate holding the back of her head before holding her face gently in his hands"it's okay my love the baby and the mother didn't suffer that long you helped them pass peacefully." He says to his mate as she slowly starts to calm down as the cracks on the wall repair them selfs.

"We waited to long"he says with guilt as he stares at the dead mother and child. He then turns to his men"well keep checking them! Keep looking!"he orders determined to find some alive.

Old rose was shown with her eyes closed as she gently opens them before looking at the others in front of her"fifteen hundred people went into the sea when titanic sank from under us. There were twenty boats floating near by and only one came back...one"she says as the people in front of her have tears in there eyes having no idea what those people went through.

"7 were saved from the water nelanie and me included...7 out of 1500 hundred.... after ward the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait wait to die wait to live wait for an absolution that would never come."old rose says tearful.

Lucana blinks back tears as she remembers all the pour souls she helped pass as jack holds her hand.

Dawn started approaching as the passengers in the boats wait until help arrive.

Mr lowe was shown lighting a green flat as he waves it in the air. Sun rise was shown as there boat was heading to the Carpathia. Rose was helped aboard as she steps on to the ship. As she walks along the ship she noticed cal walking down to where the steerage where at as she tilts her head guessing he was looking for rose.

Rose walks around a corner before gasping when she was pulled into a room before seeing lucana and jack"thank God your okay"lucana says hugging rose.

"Hear let me help you get warm"she says before closing her eyes as she holds roses hands as rose's skin turns back tan as she smiles.

"Are you ready to start your new human life"jack asked with a smile as rose nods her head.

"Alright you stay here with Jack while I go deal with your mother and cal"lucana says before leaving the room.

Lucana sees him and ruth walking into a room as she silent following them before appearing in the room as the door quietly closed on its own locking.

"Hello Ruth and cal"she says making her self known as they whirl around before they were slammed into the wall each with a hand on there throats as they choke.

"So to cut things short I'm here to make you forget rose so she can enjoy her new freeze human life from two selfish humans"lucana says as they struggle in her grasp.

Her eyes dilated"you will forget rose. She never existed you will live y'all's human life's as they were now sleep and when you wake up you'll remember nothing of the supernatural or rose"she compelled them as they falls asleep limp in her hold as she drops them before disappearing and reappears in front of jack and rose with a smile"so it's done now who's ready to go"she says with a smile as they group hug.

"That was the last time I ever heard of him he married of course and I herited his millions but the crash of 29 hit his interest hard and he put a pistol in his mouth that year or so I heard."old rose says.

They pull away as rose feels something in her pocket as she pulls out the necklace cal had given her.

Ruth glares at lucana "you...it was you"she seeths with angers as she slaps lucana who barely moves or flinched.

"She was happier with out you or cal in her life controlling her for y'all's selfishness "lucana says as her eyes darken with anger as the two women glare at each other before Ruth gasp as she flys back from lucanas magic into cal as the to fall with a thud.

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