Fighting back

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In the street, the rooster puffs out more smokes, "Man, oh, man. That Thomas sure made good to mayor John's threat. And his helpless subjects paid dearly for his humiliation, believe me. Taxes, taxes, taxes. Why, he taxed the heart and soul out of the poor people of Nottingham. And if you couldn't pay your taxes, you went to jail"

The rooster is revealed to be in jail along with every citizen in New Orleans.

"Yep. I'm in here too. New Orleans was in deep trouble. Every town Has its ups and downs Sometimes ups Outnumber the downs But not in New Orleans I'm inclined to believe If we weren't so down We'd up and leave We'd up and fly If we had wings for flyin' Can't ya see the tears we're cryin' Can't there be some happiness for me Not in New Orleans"

In the church father Tuck and his assistant pastor sexton who is a mouse, was ringing the bell and playing the pipe organ hoping Robin Hood and the bad guys would hear.

"Father, I don't think anyone is coming"

"You're right, Sexton, but maybe the sound of this church bell... will bring those poor people some comfort. We must do what we can to keep their hopes alive"

"Oh. How can there be any hope with that tyrant mayor John... taxing the heart and soul out of the poor people? And forcing poor Marian into marrying that selfish beast Thomas, who abuses his own daughter, why Mr wolf and the bad guys make better parents then him"

"Yes, those poor people. Look. Our poor box is like our church. Empty"

"Father Tuck. We've saved this. It's not much, but please take it for the poor"

"Your last savings? Ah, little sister. No one can give more than that. Bless you both"

"Oh, we were just saving it for a rainy day. Well, it's rainin' now. Things can't get worse"

Suddenly the sheriff showed up, "Howdy, Friar. Well, it looks like I dropped by just in time" he came in with the chief.

"What does that big-bellied bully want here?"

"Pastor, shh"

"Hmm. Well, what have we got here?"

"Now, just a minute, Sheriff. Th-Th-Th-Th-That's the poor box!"

"It sure is, and I'll just take it for poor mayor John. Every little bit helps"

"Ooh. You put that back. And His Majesty also blesses you, little sister"

"You thievin' scoundrel!" Father tuck threaten to attack him when the chief keeps him back.

"Now, take it easy, father. I'm just doin' my duty. Collectin' taxes... for that arrogant, greedy, ruthless, no-good mayor John?"

"Listen, father. You're mighty preachy... and you gonna preach your neck right into a hangman's noose"

Tuck looks up at the chief, "chief you know this wrong, you know what Thomas and mayor John is doing is wrong, please you need your do something about it"

But all he saw in Misty's face was guilt, like she couldn't risk standing up against him.

"Alright Get outta my church! - Out! Out! Out! Out!" Father tuck pushes the sheriff out.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Oh, dear me"

"You want taxes?  I'll give you taxes!" The two fought in the rain.


"Give it to him! Give it to him! Give it to him, father!"

All Misty could do was watched, "don't just stand there help me" the sheriff tells her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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