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"Stop!" thomas shouts.

"Executioners, stop! Hold your axe!" Says mayor John.

"Okay, big shot. Now tell 'em to untie our buddies, or I'll..."little John threatened the mayor while snake threatened Thomas with a knife against his back.

"Sheriff, release them right now" Thomas repeats snake.

"release the prisoner now!" Mayor John says.

"Untie the prisoner?" The sheriff says.

"You heard what he said, Bushel Britches!" Diane scolds him.

"Sheriff, I make the rules. And since I am the head man..."

"AH! Not so hard" Thomas grunts. When the other bad guys join in aiming their guns and knife against Thomas.

"you mean thing. Let him go, for heaven sakes!" Mayor John says.

"YES! Let him go!" Thomas says.

" Yee-hee! Love conquers all! I owe my life to you, my darling" robin rushes over to Marian.

"I couldn't have lived without you, Robin" she says.

"There's somethin' funny goin' on around here" says the sheriff.

"Now, P.J., tell my pal to kiss Maid Marian... or I've just found a new pincushion"

"Same goes with you Thomas tell wolf to take Diane-"

"Why, you Marian is my wife... Kill him Thomas shouts.

but before they threaten them more the sheriff spots them and all heck breaks loose prompting a big fight.

"Don't stand there! Kill him!"

"KILL THEM!" Thomas shouts.

Wolf and Robin get in front of Thomas and John as the guards trying shooting, it near shot holes in Thomas and John.

"AH!" John she Thomas jumps.

"Don't hurt me. No! No! Don't hurt me! Help! Help!"

"Kill THRM YOU IDIOTS!" Thomas shouts.

"Run for it, miss! This is no place for a lady!" Shark says then he charges at the guards like a quarterback shoving them off.

Webs jumps on one guards back getting the other attention, the guard sees her and hits the guard down as she jumps, piranha pounce on the guards taking them on.

Wolf was punching when he bumps his tail with Diane's,  they look at each other then smiled.

Then they take each other's hands and they tango and fight off the guards.

"Take that, you sinvergüenza!" Piranha punched the guard repeatedly.

"Help! Robin, help!"

prompting a big fight where mayor john and thomas giving orders to kill them diane tells maid marian to run for while she helps the others fight off the guards promting her to beat up the sheriff and thomas before marian is captured she is saved by Robin Hood.

"Marian, my love, will you marry me?"

"Oh, darling, I thought you'd never ask me. Oh, but you could have chose a more romantic setting"

"And for our honeymoon, London!"




"Sunny Spain!"

"Why not?"

"Ooh, what a main event this is"

"Yippee! Ya-hoo! Yippee!"

"What a beautiful brawl"

"Hey! Who's driving this flying umbrella?"

"We'll have six children"

"Six? Oh, a dozen, at least"

"Take that! Attention, everyone... Stop the girl!"

"Take that, you scurvy knave!"

"Seize the fat one!"

Then  they make their escape where wolf saves diane make it back to their hideout, Thomas saw something caught his eye.

He saw snake holding something In his tail, "huh?"

Thomas gets a closer look and that's when he saw it, his child coddling with snake.


he gets a look at snake who waves his tail at him and leaves with his child.


"Long live King Richard!"


"Hiss! You're never around when I need you"

"Coming. Coming. For I'm a jolly good fellow For I'm a jolly good fellow Oh! Oh, there you are, old boy. P.J., you won't believe this, but the stork is really Robin Hood"

"Robin Hood. Get out of that, if you can" John was furious he ties him to the pole.

But then John gets scared when he sees Thomas clutching his hands and his claws flexed.

"AH!" He roars, "those, incompetent thieves, they stole my daughter, and your niece, either you get her or the deal is off, don't keep me waiting I hate failure John"

"Yes yes right away T-Thomas"

THE BAD GUYS IN: ROBIN HOOD (Disney version)Where stories live. Discover now