Robin hood and his merry men

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In the city of New Orleans a rooster in a suit with a clarinet starts playing named: Alan A'Dale.

"Y'know, there's been a heap o' legends and tall tales about Robin Hood. All different too. Well, we folks in the animal kingdom have our own version. It's the story of what really happened in New Orleans..."

"Oh, coincidentally, I'm Allan-A-Dale, a minstrel. That's an early-day folk singer. And my job is to tell it like it is or was or whatever but in this take we start in the modern time"

Robin Hood and Little John

"Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the streets of New Orleans, Laughin' back and forth at what the other one has to say Reminiscin' this and that and havin' such a good time"

Robin in a fedora green suit walks with John who is seen wearing a blue suit with a white shirt.

"Oo- de-lally, oo-de-lally Golly, what a day" Robin says.

"Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water
they were drinkin' They just guzzled it down
Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse
Was a-watchin'them and gatherin' around" says little John.

Robin Hood and Little John runnin' through the bustling streets, Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees and dogs, tryin' to get away.

"Contemplatin' nothin' but escape and finally makin' it
Oo- de-lally, oo-de-lally Golly, what a day
Oo- de-lally, oo-de-lally Golly, what a day"

"You know somethin', Robin? You're takin' too many chances"

"Chances? You must be joking. That was just a bit of a lark, Little John"

"Yeah? Take a look at your hat. That's not a candle on a cake"

Robin Hood sees the bullet holes in his hat, "Hello. This one almost had my name on it, didn't it? They're getting better, you know. You've got to admit it. They are getting better"

"Uh, yeah. The next time that sheriff'll probably have a rope around our necks. Pretty hard to laugh hangin' there, Rob"

"Ha! The sheriff and his whole posse couldn't lift you off the ground. En guard!"

"Hey, watch it, Rob. That's the only hat I've got"

"Oh, come along. You worry too much, old boy"

"You know somethin', Robin, I was just wonderin'? Are we good guys or bad guys? You know, I mean, uh... Our robbin' the rich to feed the poor"

"Rob? That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it"

"Borrow"? Huh. Boy, are we in debt" Trumpets are heard sounding nearby.

"That sounds like another collection day for the poor, eh, Johnny boy?"

"Yeah. Sweet charity"

"Call the bad guys"

"I'm on it" John pulls out his phone and dials wolf and snake.

In the streets, a white limousine was passing by, inside was a king or the mayor of New Orleans: mayor John.

"Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!" John cries he is wearing a white two piece expensive suit.

"S-Sire, you have an absolute skill... for encouraging contributions from the poor" sir hiss was his assistant in a red suit.

THE BAD GUYS IN: ROBIN HOOD (Disney version)Where stories live. Discover now