Scene 2 - The Traveling Market

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(We begin with some establishing shots as some of the opening credits are shown. The setting is the Portorosso piazza, but there are tables with canopies hanging over them to form portable shops—these shops line the sides of the piazza. A woman is buying a piece from a pottery stand. The local Grocer stacks apples in a food cart, only to have a group of kids accidentally kick their soccer ball into the apples, which knocks them over; he yells something in Italian at them as they sheepishly make a run for it. An older man admires a set of tools at a tool stand. A man is looking over a selection of books at a bookstand nearby. A woman is knitting at a crochet stand. Lastly, the kids come in from near where the Marcovaldo house is.)

Luca: (In complete awe) It's so BIG... and there's so much to look at! How are we gonna decide what to do?

Giulia: (Enthusiastic but not in as much awe; she's been here in years before) The pottery shop's new... I don't think that was here last year.

Luca: (Grabbing her wrist with one hand and pointing with the other out of pure excitement) What's that one?

Giulia: That's a tool stand-

Luca: (Accidentally interrupting her) And what about that- Oh, sorry...

Giulia: Someone's excited. (Little laugh) That's a food cart, Luca.

Alberto: (Interest piqued) Food? (Suddenly dramatically holding his stomach) I'm so hungry... We haven't eaten in forever. Can we stop there?

Giulia: (Soft little teasing punch into his arm) Alright, you dramatic fish, first, we just ate. Second, we can't use all the money my dad gave us for the market on food.

Luca: I... second that! (Genuinely sheepish) ...Sorry, Alberto.

Alberto: (Fake eye roll) So both of you are gonna vote me out? Fine, we can look around first before we decide what we're gonna buy.

Giulia: Don't worry! We've got all the time in the world since my dad's on his fishing trip.

(Which cues a flashback.)


(In the kitchen of the Marcovaldo house. Giulia's Dad is picking up a suitcase and hat before turning to face her.)

Dad: And you'll remember to feed the cat, too?

Giulia: Of course I will, Papa. I can handle everything. This isn't my first time watching the house.

Dad: (Ruffling the hair under her hat with a chuckle) And I suppose I've worried before, haven't I?

Giulia: (Teasing) Sì.

Luca: (Popping up behind her with Alberto) And she's got us, too! We don't mind helping out.

Alberto: (Relaxed) Everything will be fine. We've got it under control.

Dad: Alright, I trust you kids. Remember, the pescheria is closed until I get back, but the house is in your care. And... (Pausing for a second before putting his hand into his pocket and bringing it out with some bills and handing them to Giulia) This is for the market. Don't use it too quickly!

(All three kids look at the money excitedly as he finishes speaking.)

Giulia: Grazzia! We'll be careful, don't worry.

Dad: One last thing... (Handing her a package as well) This came from your mom in the mail.

(Giulia opens the package while Luca and Alberto look over her shoulder.)

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