yandere liu × reader

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(Okay so I just got the biggest brain explosion on a story to write sonbuckle up  😋)

September 9th ,2004
(Sunday afternoon)

   the sky today was grey and gloomy one of those days where the world seems to move slower than usual patients seemed calmer, while the free people on the streets seemed little less tolerant of mistakes always focusing on the smaller picture...but I guess you could say the same about me I myself have become what i have always despised.... impatient

  Only living for the next paycheck I think about these things a lot.
I mean what else is there to do until your next problem arrives until the next lost cause comes bursting into my room so I can listen to them rant about how shitty there lives are unbeknownst to them that everybodys life is shitty.

I used to be tolerant...I used to care about these people. these lost souls that just needed a little extra love and attention

I used to...until I met my husband the first time we met it felt like all my problems had been solved the world seemed to brighten by his side or so I thought who would have guessed the perfect man for me would be a cheater.

  I shake my head as if riding my mind off his face. focusing on the paperwork in front of me pushing every paper together into an almost perfect shaped pile "Liu, A woods" I repeat the words on the paper as if they where gospel the name leaving a stinging sensation on my tongue.

 My latest problem Liu was a nice young man as far as nice can get in a mental asylum but if I got the choice to hand out a nicest patient award. he'd be closely tied with my second nicest patient Charles, E hews a short scrawny old man who has a difficulty with "ghosts" or so that's what he likes to call them but the reality is that schizophrenia just likes to play tricks on its inhabiters

   My thinking pauses when a weak knock lands on the other side of my door
"Mrs (l/n) patient 1405 is here for his 9:30 appointment" one of the nurses speaks lightly on the other side of the door. as she swings the metal door ajar quickly gazing over the blond my attention immediately draws twords the tall lanky man standing in the door way his green eyes starring back deeply in mine. I shudder as I divert my eyes back to miss Ashley.

   " thank you ash I hate that i had to ask you of such a favor ash but i had some unfinished paperwork I needed to fill out over the injured patient we had last week" I frown and she lets out one of her infamously beautiful giggles "no problem call me anytime " we share matching grins with each other before she turns and makes her exit closing the door behind her with a 'thump' I turn back to Liu shocked to already be met with his gaze.

    "you can sit if you'd like" I gesture to the seat across from me his gaze finally leaving me as he looks around the room like a lost puppy.  my heart drops I can't help but hate that he no longer stares at me but his eyes soon land on my family picture hung neatly on the wall beside my window. "you have a husband?" He speaks softly in a childish tone as he still stands where Ashley had left him. in the middle of my office fiddling with his fingers which a disturbed look on his face.

   "Ah yes we took that picture on our third date together." I say as calmly reminiscing to that night where he decided i needed a salad and that my order of chicken strips would only make me fatter.

"You must really love him don't you." He slurs his words "we have our difficulties but we are perfect for each other"

I lie giving him some of the truth but in actuality after i walked in on him and his new girlfriend. i kicked him out throwing all of his clothes on the front lawn and shutting the door behind him.

   I tilt my head letting my neck pop and release its tension. as Liu looks down shifting his feet side to side and then looking back up at me.

"do you guys have children?" he mumbles looking away from me "no it's just never been the right time to start" I give him a tight lipped smile. he nods and shuffles over to the front of my desk taking a seat in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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