Jeff the killer x veteran reader

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(Sorry y'all but Jeff and I are litterly the definition of enemies to lovers 😮‍💨❤️

Ps... this chapter is a 🥳celebration 🎉 for hitting 4.52k views! At the time I'm writing this and the fact that I got into JROTC!!which is a class I've always been afraid to try but was very intrigued by the class so Therefore enjoy the story and music that doesn't go along with the story at all 💀💀!)


"Hm... you hungry?" I laugh ripping off another bite of my sandwich chewing it with a huge smirk I stare deep into his charcoal-colored eyes "no shit Sherlock!" His deep raspy voice makes the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"Well with that attitude I think you could last another day" he glares at me and twists in his restraints on the other end of the dining table I sigh his attitude irking me a little more than usual and ruining my appetite.

"Fuck off!!" he grunts when his restraints show no sign of loosening " wish u could! "I joke placing my subway sandwich back on my plate in front of me.

"What...bend me over this table and smack my ass until it's nice and red for ya hmm.... maybe even tell me how much of a bad girl I am." I tease licking my lips while watching as the wheels turn in his head.

He grunts "your right I wouldn't mind that at all...except I won't have you bent over more like on your knees while i face fuck that smart mouth you've got" he tilts his head to the side grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I scrunch my nose remembering he hasn't showered since he's been here. "you know you haven't showered in like three days, right?" I raise an eyebrow when I remind him awkwardly. "don't worry extra flavors" he says making me gag and slide my plate over to his side of the table "your fucking disgusting."

"So, the doe can dish it but can't take it?" He sits back in his chair a few strands of his hair getting caught in his slit mouth my teeth grind in my mouth. "Excuse me?!? I could easily put a bullet in your ugly ass so if I were you, I'd watch my tongue" Jeff chuckles with what seems like not a care in the world.

"What's so funny?" I say wishing I could just go to bed already "well-" he stops mid-sentence to giggle then continues "if you had even a clue of who i really am I'm sure you wouldn't have stuck around very long"?

"Wha-...what do you mean" I mummer grabbing my recently sharpened knife. from is sheath. and stepping closer towards him letting the knife rest underneath his chin.

He sighs, looking me up and down and then resting his eyes back on my face to capture my eyes. the way his eyes traversed over me causes my body to tense with his sudden cold demeanor.

"so... what's the real reason you've got me all tied up princess? " His voice surprisingly velvety as he spoke. my eyes couldn't help but trace over the curves of his dark bushy brows as they raise in question "or is this some kind of fetish thing." my mind blanks while I think his question over realizing not even, I know the answer to why did I stay?

I shake my head as if trying to rid my mind of any doubt he grins seeming to read my mind. "it's ok not to understand perhaps your body acted off of pure curiosity..."

I look down at the now loosened ropes that once held him bound to the dining room chair fall to the floor. his hands now free and my eyes widen in fear. and I take a single step back letting the knife fall down to my side. "h-how did you..." I stutter in shock and fear my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth from its sudden dryness.

"Oh- don't worry just a favor from an old friend of mine." he gets up from the chair taking a long stride towards me and making up for the space created between us. getting closer and closer to the point i could feel his slow heavy breathing. blowing onto the tip of my nose as he looks down at me the thick scent of burnt hair and blood covering his entirety.

causing me to choke on inhale he grabs the knife from my hand during my slight freeze. my mind can't help but flash back to old memories drips of water from the leaky pipes plopping onto the ground in the same consistent order, the damp air that leaving a chill to run through my aching body from the never-ending hours of torture causing me to whimper.

"mmm- you know they say...the eyes are a window to the soul- so tell me why is your soul so tainted " he lifts a hand up to caress my hair pushing a stand of my up held curls back behind my ear

"Your delusional" I whisper lightly causing him to shake his head slowly and began clicking his tongue before grabbing ahold of my waist and pushing me against the table besides us.

"Oh, you hope I am, don't you?" he leans in closer allowing me to breath him in he smelled like copper with a strong mix of menthols and cigarettes almost obviously a failed attempt at covering up his smell his voice is breathy as he whispers in my ear my body tensing from the familiarity of this situation

"no" I cry breaking down and my body becoming almost akin to a scared cat I sniffle and the unfamiliar coldness of the room creeps in around me. becoming more noticeable as the seconds pass "that's not what I meant please don't be mad at me don't leave me alone please... I don't like being alone. "

I muffle into his white hoodie the pain in my chest is intense beating in fast unrhythmic beats. "can't say I won't have to go at some point but sure. "
He brushes his dry lips against my cheek pulling back only to look into my eyes the darkness of his soul is as clear as can be.

telling me he wants to do more than just stay by my side without him even needing to ask I quickly pull off my shirt and pants. hopping further up the table and laying my back flat across it only looking him in the eyes when I notice he hasn't made a move on me yet. "what's wrong? " His stare

breaks from mine his gaze now lingering on my bra he lifts the knife closer to my left strap slicing it in half then repeating it with the other I whimper when I feel of the warm air over my top half.

"A lot" he chuckles sliding the blade across my throat blood spurting from the wound as I start gagging and choking on my own blood. I fall back suffocating as my body loses all power to turn over i look up at him silently pleading for him to help me.


Ok so thos took me wayyyyyy longer then I expected to finish I'd say a good 2 months if I do say so myself but ayy it's out there now I do have to say i think the reason it did take so long was because I had no idea for where I was trying to take this I was planning on doing something real kinky like knife play restriction stuff where reader gets typed up but I literally couldn't figure a way to write it or come up with ideas of what happens so yeah idk if I should like take a break or ask my friends for some ideas I also really want to make a Texas chainsaw massacre one sor book but idek who to start with. Anyway I hope you all had a good day night or weekend love y'all 🥱

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