ben drowned (headcannons)

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•He has ablutophobia (fear of bathing)
A shower or rain is fine. but being in a big body of water brings back many painful memories from drowning.

•He is 19 but trapped in a 14 year olds body
Surprisingly only his voice aged 🥲

• Ben was killed by his father after he threw his favorite game. into the middle of lake for telling the school about the abuse going on at home. Ben jumped into a lake right after his game cartarage. but once he was in the water his father promptly started the boat and left him to drown. not knowing the boy couldn't swim

• ben is very inexperienced in dating. even before death he wasn't able to get a girlfriend or boyfriend for that matter.

• mostly targets teens 13-16 as they are easier to manipulate and the most umbeleaved when they tell adults.

• one legend says that the ghost of his father is what brings him to his next victims Ben however is unaware his father has anything to do with choosing his next victims

• he has no friends meaning he is completely isolated from the real world until someone plays his game.

• being left at home alone while his father went out to gamble and taught Ben a lot about cooking just the basics at least ramen, Mac n cheese, and cereal where his everyday meal

• Ben often watches his victims for weeks learning their schedules. during these times he might just end up watching them fool around with women or men maybe even themselves. either way he doesn't mind one bit free porn!

• Ben is usually dressed in the same clothes he comes out of the game with however in his free time he dawns the same green sweatshirt and grey sweatpants with socks and sandals he wore when he died

(what a bad combo to wear for the rest of your life😬)

• sometimes when he is alone in his void of static and loneliness a tall figure pays him a visit but leaves shortly after with no words.

•ben is in constant agony and mental sadness nobody can help him from his own sealed fate


Ayyy sorry if this was kinda boring but I was thinking I should get some kind of content out there for Ben. and why no smutty chapters will come out for him I will most likely only use him for  like friendships and fluff  but idk let me know what I should do for him because I feel like I could but it would be weird but what if its maybe with someone his age tho? . 🤷🏾‍♀️

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