chapter 49

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So if anyone was wondering, yes Ijichi did have a heart attack

Not something life threatening. But a heart attack is a heart attack nonetheless

So here is where we stand now

Ijichi is on his bed, still unconscious and was given additional oxygen by the ambulance Shoko had arranged by Kyoko's request

Now Shoko and a few more paramedics were checking Ijichi. No one was allowed in his room till he woke up

Nanami, Sukuna and Gojo sat there in the living room, watching Yuta, Megumi and Yuji trying to calm down the three females of the Ijichi household

Kyoko, Kimi and Lima were crying rivers. They were sobbing uncomfortably. No matter what the young boys did, they weren't stopping at all

The boys had tried everything and anything under the sun to calm them down, but only received the same result

"Keep yourself together, Kimi-san, Lima-chan"

Yuji said, giving the elder girl a tissue

Lima took the tissue and aggressively blowed her nose, still sobbing uncontrollably

"Shujiko, tuna tuna, mayo"

Inumaki said, soothingly patting Kyoko's head and back

All of her soulmates were hating this. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion for them. All of her soulmates were found and she was completed

But now there was this lingering sadness and worry in the air. It was actually quite heart breaking

"Kyoko-chan, please don't cry like this."

Yuta said in a very worried tone as she hiccuped, her eyes bloodshot with so much crying

"Kimi-san, please. You have to be strong. Nothing would happen to Ijichi-san"

Megumi said, gently patting the elder woman's head, the woman he considers as his own mother

It was heart breaking seeing them cry like this

Nanami sighed, getting up from his seat. He came and kneeled down Infront of his soulmate. He gently grabbed her hand and started to kiss her knuckles

She looked at his with the same pale lavender eyes that he fall in love with, those eyes swollen and red from crying for hours

With softened eyes, he gently told her

"Darling, please try to understand. Your father is completely alright. You heard what Shoko-san said, right? He's out of danger"

She shook her head, quietly sobbing

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, nothing like this would happen"

Toge sighed and hugged her head tightly and Nanami squeezed her hand in reassurance

"No baby. Nothing is your fault. You possibly couldn't know this would happen."

He said, rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand

"And you couldn't hide this forever. That's impossible. He would have found out about Gojo sensei no matter how hard you tried to hide it"

Megumi said gently, patting her head comfortingly

All while five of her soulmates were trying their hardest to calm them down, Gojo and Sukuna sat there

Gojo was looking downwards. He still didn't understand why Ijichi reacted like the way he did, but it still was disheartening for him

He saw how happy Ijichi was when he found out about Nanami. But when it came to him... This happened

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