chapter 41

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It took Kyoko, Megumi and Yuji almost midnight to come back to. And being very tired, she went to sleep instently after changing. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow

"She fell asleep quickly, nee Megs?"

Yuji asked, gently pushing away some of her hair from her face.

Both of the boys were on each of her side and she was sleeping in the middle

"Yeah, she was quite tired. I could tell this all through out the night. My poor moon shine... "

Megumi said, gently placing a kiss on Kyoko's cheek

She stirred in her sleep and came closer to Megumi. Wrapping arm loosely on his torso and nuzzling her nose on his neck

Both of their eyes softened. Yuji quickly took a picture of her. Then showed it to Megumi

"Megumi, look how cute she looks. Oh hell, I'll hang this picture on my room."

Megumi chuckled while watching Yuji blabbering about their future kids. Everything was fine, they were quietly laughing and talking until there was a knock on the door

Their conversation died down but they looked at each other in suspicion. It was almost one in the morning, who the hell would at this time

They didn't ask for any room service or food and they remembered correctly, Kyoko had told the receptionist to put a do not disturb sign in her room

"Who the hell is in this time?"

Megumi said and just summoned his demon dogs. By then Kyoko was cuddling with Yuji in her sleep. Megumi got up and went to get the door

Opening the door, Megumi owlishly blinked at his teacher with a poker face. His first thought was to either kick him out or drag him out of the room

Gojo was also very startled seeing his student in her room. He didn't have any idea Megumi would be here

He was about to open his mouth when Megumi cut him off

"Look, I don't have the time or energy to entertain any of your childish tactics. I am tired as hell Gojo. So is my girlfriend and boyfriend. I don't know where you got to know about us, but please leave up"

Gojo clamped his mouth shut, but before Megumi could close the door, he stopped him

"Megumi, listen. I am not here to disturb you. I just wanna talk to Kyoko "

Megumi looked perplexed. Why was his teacher looking for his girlfriend at one am ? He didn't know but frankly he didn't want to know

"What do you want from her, Gojo? It's inappropriate, Gojo. It's one in the morning"

Before Gojo could reply

"Gojo sensei? What are you doing here?"

Our sunshine boy, Yuji came out. Looking at Gojo with stars in his eyes. It's been almost 3 mouths since he had seen his first sensei and he was so happy he even forgot about the time and the place

"Yuji-kun "

Gojo acknowledged him with a tight smile

All while Megumi looked like he just wanted to kick Gojo out

"Like seriously, are you gonna keep talking now? Kyoko is sleeping for heavens sake."

Gojo, tried to ease tension and joked

"Why is your girlfriend's sleep more important than to talk with you favorite sensei, Megumi-chan~~~''

But Megumi didn't take it as a joke. And looked at him derectly at his eyes. His poker face on and he said in a no shit voice

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