chapter 3

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The next day

Today Kyoko and her parents did their usual things before. She ate breakfast with them and kissed them good bye before going to her school

Now ijichi and his wife, kimi , was sitting, drinking tea

Kimi kept looking at ijichi mischievously from time to time, which he did notice

He raised one of his eyebrows, as if asking her what she was thinking.

"You know......"

She started but paused, he was taking a sip of his tea

"I think kyoko has a crush on Gojo."

He choked on his tea. Coughing violently, hearing her muffling laughter

"What did you say!? Don't ever say that."

Ijichi said with wide eyes

"But I am telling you the truth, honey. Our little kyoko has her first crush and it's your boss, Gojo Satoru."

"She never even met him!"

He argued back,  he couldn't believe it! It was a lie, it had to be

"You remember one of the pictures he gave you of himself, for some reason. The one in the blue shirt?"

He nodded

"She transferred it to my phone and she's always staring at it. Sometimes for five minutes, sometimes for 10, sometimes for 30 or once even an hour. She giggles to herself looking at the picture. It's really cute, you know?........ Honey, are you okay?"

Ijichi looked like he was having something between a heart attack and midlife crisis

"My poor baby "

Ijichi wispered to himself

"What did you say? I didn't quite catch that, honey."

"I said my poor baby. She can't have him. Both you and me know that. Gojo had a soulmate who went rouge. Not to mention, he's ten years older than her."

Kimi sighed, hearing her beloved husband talk so stupidly

Even though she loves her husband to death, he could be really stupid sometimes

Shaking her head, she said

"Kiyotaka, honey, it's just a girly crush. Every girl has crushes like this sometime in their life. I had them. It's not that serious. She doesn't want him and she understands perfectly she can't have him. So relax"

Ijichi looked a little assured

"And your boss is a good looking man. Can you really blame my baby moon light?"

Now ijichi looked a bit annoyed.

He huffed, in his heart he felt like Gojo just stole something precious from him

"Damn Gojo and damn his pretty face!"

Kimi laughed, seeing her dear husband cursing out his boss for no reason.

With kyoko

Today kyoko's school bus had some problem, so now she's walking home.

It wasn't a problem as her house was just a few blocks away. She kept walking when she suddenly heard a scream

Her eyes waiden as she quickly followed the sound. When she intured the alley way, looking forward her heart almost stopped with fear

It was her Lima-nee-chan, a disgusting looking curse was about to harm her.

7 rings | jujutsu kaisen x oc {Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now