chapter 4

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Sophia was holding a couple of fencing swords and knew she could show Peach what she knows, Sophia grabbed the swords and went to the throne room she told Peach about fencing and she was interested. they both walked out to the front of the palace and Sophia gave Peach a sword.
Peach: I so how do I do fencing exactly?
Sophia: it's basically like sword fighting trust me I know I did so many things to keep busy, so pay close attention and you won't get hurt these swords don't even hurt. that's if your jabbed hard enough you have to press the sword on your opponents chest (puts sword tip on Peach's chest) like this I learned from a great swordsman.
Peach: alright let's do this. the girls both were training hard and Peach got the hang of it.
Sophia: not bad your good and getting better Peach you just need some practice.
Peach: yeah your right about that but Sophia do you ever wish too find love again?
Sophia: yeah I do but i'm guessing someone told you what happened a long time ago?
Peach: yeah Bowser told me he over heard you and Kamek talking but I promise you this you'll find someone too love again, I know it just have to follow your heart trust me and it will show you the way.
Sophia: yeah your right but i'm going to visit my family.
Peach: alright be careful.
Sophia: I will.

*later that night*

Sophia was visiting her family and met Cream along with her Chao Cheese, Sophia took them to the Mushroom Kingdom and heard Junior's voice as she saw him Ludwig and Larry run over.
Sophia: hey hey boys slow down where's the fire?
Junior: Sophia we need help it's Dad!
Sophia: what what's wrong with Bowser?
Ludwig: his body is covered with some king of black paint and he's going a on a rampage Dad is real angry right now.
Cream: what can we do too help.
Sophia: Cream no your too little Bowser might hurt you listen is there some friends who can help any strong ones, with weapons of any kind?
Cream: yes Sonic and the others can help oh if only he was here.
Toad: Sophia hurry you need to get too the castle come on! Sophia whistled for Azula and she came Sophia put Cream and Cheese in front while she climbed on as she grabbed the reins and Azula flew to the castle.

*at the Castle*

Peach: Bowser is on his way and he's after you Sophia he might capture you.
Sophia: if he is then I refuse to run there has got to be a way to get that paint off of him!
Luigi: now that's a big if sis. right before anyone could say anything the doors opened and Cream ran to her friends which made Sophia smiled.
Sophia: you all must be Cream's friends welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom I wish it was under better circumstances but right now we have a giant turtle to stop.
Sonic: maybe we can help i'm Sonic by the way Sonic The Hedgehog and beside me are my friends. they all introduced themselves and they all heard a loud bang outside and ran outside to see it was Bowser.
Sophia: uh Junior Ludwig is this what you two warned me about?
Ludwig: yup.
Junior: you may wanna run or take Azula and get out of here Dad's way to big for you too fight Sophia.
Sophia: then what choice do I have left. Sophia climbed onto Azula and she flew off but Bowser saw her escaping and smacked Azula as she crashed into the ground in the Mushroom forest and Azula was hurt, Sophia was injured as well her arm was wounded.
Azula: Sophia run before Bowser gets you.
Sophia: no I'm not leaving you.
Azula: go now I will be alright run hurry! Sophia got up and ran for it but got grabbed by Bowser and she screamed.
Sophia: no Bowser let me go! Bowser took Sophia and she yelled and she got put into a tower as she saw what was going on, as she yelled for the others and they saw she was in a tower. once she was let out Sophia kicked Bowser on his shell which made him fall over and she was not happy with him then walked away which left the others shocked by what happened.
Peach: I take it your not happy with Bowser right now?
Sophia: no I am not with that fury shadow it caused a lot of damage not too mention hurt my dragon, and not too forget locking me away in a tower he's got a lot too do in order for me to forgive him. so Bowser needs to keep his distance away from me until i'm cooled off. Sophia walked away and Azula was small as she picked up Azula and went back to the castle and headed straight to her room.

Sonic: uh is she alright?
Luigi: let's just give Sophie her space Mario and I know our sister we keep our distance when she's steamed.
Mario: it's true and Bowser really screwed up. they all went to the castle while the brothers had work to do and the others went to the castle.
Peach: I wonder how it takes for Sophia to calm down?
Luigi: oh it takes almost a two weeks after that she holds a grudge and it takes alot for her to drop it, so the best thing to do is be patient with Sophia.
Rouge: well that was helpful but don't you two have work?
Mario: oh right thanks Rouge come on Lu we gotta go. the brothers both left and what they didn't know was Sophia was heading to town to fix some things for the Toads, she helped them with their mechanic problems.
Sophia: alright Toad your cart is all fixed up and now she'll purr like a kitten.
Toad: thanks Sophie your really good at this.
Sophia: yeah well I took a class in college for mechanical stuff such as cars and things like that it's just me, and I had too keep busy since well it's something I don't like too talk about.
Rouge: you can tell us it's alright.
Sophia: it was a couple years ago I was with a great guy Michael he was a buisness man and well he did everything to make me happy then one day I found out, I was pregnant we were going to be parents but one day I was on my way to see him at work when I got there it turned out he died in a crash. I lost the one I had loved and a couple weeks later I lost my baby I was so upset I never left my room back in Brooklyn, (sniffles) I just never want to go through that again so I kept myself busy with all my classes and lessons until I came here with Mario and Luigi when I went to find Luigi I had met Bowser it's like he made me smile in a way.
Amy: we're so sorry that happened but do you still want to have a family of your own?
Sophia: yeah I do Amy but I just don't want what happened two years ago to happen again.

*mini time skip*

Sophia was testing out some rides she made for her new friends and heard the engines going which made her happy.
DK: hey they sound good nice work.
Sophia: thanks i'm glad all that engineering is paying off I didn't take both classes for nothing and now all these babies need is a good paint job, and I'm going too need some help with the paint jobs.
DK: you got it hey guys mind helping out Sophia over here? the crew agreed and helped her out with the paint jobs as she was taking care of a car for Shadow once the cars were all done they were loaded up.
DK: hey Sophia I wanted to say thanks for helping us out here.
Sophia: sure no problem and I probably owe everyone an apology for being so cold and distant from them so let'g get going.

*at the Mushroom Kingdom*

Sophia: hey Sonic I got something for you guys! they all came out and saw Sophia with DK.
Knuckles: what's with the truck?
Sophia: it's just a flat bed it's made from trees in the Jungle Kingdom reinforces with some metal from Eggman's robot I helped put it together, and now I have a surprise for you guys. (climbs onto the flat bed) I had help making this babies and there one for each of you so (pulls of tarp) tada whaddya think?
they all saw the rides and were surprised by them too see how hard Sophia worked on something for them.
Sonic: awesome rides.
Knuckles: mine looks like a motorcycle.
Sophia: it is and they're designed with weapons DK's pit crew know what they're doing I helped build these puppies and they can transform into a boat along with a plane, which flying is your thing Tails also they're customized to match your style.
Rouge: oh I love mine thanks Sophia it's perfect.
Sophia: your welcome Rouge and Shadow yours is designed with your own insignia in fact it's on all of yours.
Amy: oh i love it.
Shadow: how fast are these cars?
Sophia: fast and you guys can win a race there are a few more surprises but let's take these babies on the rainbow road, and I have my own ride as well a motorcycle. Sophia put on her helmet and everyone drove to the rainbow road as they were enjoying the drive.

*on the rainbow road*

everyone was enjoying the drive as they were having fun.
Sonic: whoo hoo this is awesome!
Sophia: glad your enjoying it Sonic!

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