chapter 2

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Luigi: Bowser let me go saying someone made a deal with him. I can only guess it was Sophia.
Peach: and where did the dragon come from?
Luigi: don't know.
Azula: my name is Azula and your sister had summoned me with her necklace I only listen to her, but I shall assist in saving her. they all went inside and Toad was feeding Azula as she was eating some fruit and looked at the sky worried about Sophia.
Peach: Azula think you can fly to the Mushroom Kingdom I need you too look after my toads.
Azula: I can princess and I promise your toads will be safe. Azula flew off to the Mushroom Kingdom and watched over the toads.

*on Bowser's ship*

Bowser: I plan to make Sophia my bride I just hope she'll accept.
Kamek: she will sire i'm sure of it and may not be fond of the chompers (uses magic) what about these sire?
Bowser: perfect Sophia would love the black roses. Bowser went to the throne room and told the general to get Sophia and she came into the throne room while she was still wearing the outfit she arrived in.
Sophia: what do you want Bowser I wanted to be alone.
Bowser: uh I have something for you. Bowser held out the bouquet and Sophia was shocked by the roses as she took it and smelled the flowers.
Sophia: how did you know these were my favorites?
Bowser: just a lucky guess but Sophia I was wondering if you would -
General: sire.
Kamek/Bowser: what!
General: there is a problem.
Bowser: excuse me Sophia I will be back. Sophia sat down and looked at the roses and wondered if she could actually fall in love with Bowser, then saw a stray rose on the ground and held it close.
Sophia: (sigh) what's the matter with me you think a girl would learn but me fall in love with a king that's impossible, I'm sure he doesn't love me that way. right?
Kamek: i would say that my dear he told me about a young girl he met all those years ago he was crazy, about the princess but I saw in his eyes that the king was in love with someone else. I could only imagine it was you.
Sophia: but why me there's one thing I never told anyone but can you keep this a secret Kamek? Kamek nodded and Sophia looked at around to make sure no one was listening and she whispered in his ear as Kamek's eyes widened from what he heard.

Kamek: my dear you never have to worry about that again.
Sophia: you can't be sure about that I never told my brothers and my old boyfriend died from a heartattack, I even lost his child the only piece I had left of him. Michael was a business man and he loved me very much until he died from a heartattack I swore I would never let that happen again, so I just quit dating for a year I can't go through that pain again. what they didn't know was Bowser had heard everything and he wanted to make Sophia happy again he walked in and Sophia saw that they made it to the Mushroom Kingdom.

*at the palace*

Bowser: Princess Peach brave as ever as you can I have the super star.
Peach: if your going to use it use it now. Bowser gently moved the axe and cleared his throat.
Bowser: no princess I stole it for someone else since you never once loved me I have decided to marry someone else. the girls both hugged each other and looked at Bowser but Sophia noticed her brothers weren't with Peach and Toad.
Sophia: where are my brothers?
Peach: they fell into the sea under the rainbow bridge but we were ambushed and I lost the army.
Sophia: Bowser what did you do what happened to my brothers?
Bowser: they were going to be in the way of our happiness I did it for you Sophia. Sophia with this star we will be invincible will you marry me?
Sophia: what are you crazy marry you after what happened to my brothers you'd have to try a lot harder to win my heart, star or not I will not marry you.
Bowser: maybe you should reconsider. Kamek used his magic and hurt Toad the girls both tried to help him but got hurt.
Sophia: please stop if I marry you just don't hurt anyone else please Bowser I will marry you just don't hurt my friends or Peach's Toads. Bowser waved his hand and Kaemk stopped.
Bowser: you have my word. they all walked onto the ship and Sophia was taken to her room to get ready for the wedding.

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