Chapter 10

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I do not own the photo up top. The photographer is given credit for the image you just saw.

Danish Malhotra

"Listen Danish I am going to bring you back with me. I am in love with you stupid" Ru's words were running inside my head. I was here in India because dad thought it might be good idea to get away from my demons. I told him that I want to leave alone, mom was crying seeing me hurt but dad agreed and I was here I was in the row house which I bought when I was 18. I started getting therapy. The therapist here was good and said that I would go back to normal.

But what's the definition of normal to this world. I am not mentally unstable. I am just haunted by my demons. I want them to gone. Ru said he loves me. That's what I wanted to hear snice when we were kids. But when he said those words I got scared. He is in love with the wrong person. I am no good.

Here I was in my room snice seven hours. Ru had called me thrice but I didn't reply. It was already dinner time. I should go out in the kitchen.

I opened my door and went inside the kitchen only to find Ru setting the dining table with food. "Oh you are awake I guess" he giggled. Oh how love when he laughs. "I guess" I pulled out a chair and sat.

"I made Indian food hope you like it" he said and sat in front of me. Why he is doing that? "Why are you doing this? You can leave and enjoy your life" I snapped. I could see his eyes turning glossy. I know I was rude but he deserves someone better. I heard him muttering something. "Let's eat first" he said while serving me.




Dinner went silently. Ru picked up the utensils and now was washing them. "I can do it" I said. "No, I will do it" he pouted. He looks cute when he does that. He is like a puppy. Clumsy, cute and kind. I don't know when but I was ruffling his hair. I came back to my senses and backed my hand away.

I left from there. I should stay away or he might get hurt.




Next day came in a snap. It was already 10 am. I slept long today in a whole fucking month. My therapy session starts at 11. I should prepare some breakfast.

I went inside the kitchen only to find Ru sipping on the coffee. "Oh Good morning" he smiled. How can a smile be so beautiful? Why can't I smile like that? When Ru smiles, his eyes lit up, I can see sparkles. Anyone can tell he smiles and laughs whole heartedly.

I hummed and was about to go in the kitchen when he stopped me. "Breakfast is ready" he smiled. "You don't have to do that" I sat on the chair. "But I want to" he said in his baby voice.




I was ready to go. I came outside my room, Ru was sitting on the couch. "Where are you going? I can join you" before I could say no he cut me off. "Wait for five minutes I will be back" he ran upstairs.

I don't want him to know that I am consulting a therapist. So I left without telling him.

I reached at my therapist's house. I went inside. Ms. Sharma was lady in her 50s and was kind. It has been a month since I started and I guess I am improving.

"Danish my boy. Good morning" she came in the living room with two cups of coffee. I sat on the chair while she sat on the couch after handing me the cup.

"How many pills did you take?" she asked. It was the question which she asked me every day and I gave her the answer honestly. And I am shocked that I have started consuming less pills.

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