Annabeth Escapes From the Sahara

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I slammed my fists against the sturdy glass doors of the stupid tiny hut the scary monster dude had locked me in. I've been in here for a month, trying to get out any way possible, but nothing has worked yet. I tried stabbing the windows with knives, shooting it with guns I found lying around, everything humanly possible, but it was all in vain. I had no doubt missed the big attack on Hades, and missed all the action. I'm going into Percy withdrawal, and I can't handle it. I realized that I truly liked Percy while I was trapped inside this dirty, humid hut. I kept thinking about him, all the time, and I guess I had always had feelings for him, but i didn't realize that until now. I'm not going to give up on getting out though.

It was even worse because I still had no idea who exactly the monster was, and what his deal was, if it was even a male. I had no clue whatsoever, and I tossed and turned all night long, just thinking about everything. There were so many loose ends, and I couldnt figure out what was going on. It seemed like only yesterday I had been kidnapped and jam packed into the trunk of a car and driven to some wierd desert... It looked vaguely like the Sahara from pictures I've seen, but I couldn't be all too sure. Where ever I was, I had to get out. There must be a flaw in the structure somewhre, so I can get out. If it comes to digging a tunnel underground to get out like prisoners do in jail, then so be it.

As I inspected all crevices on the house, as I had done a gazillion times before, I didn't notice anything different. It all looked extremely sturdy and solid, probably made of metal or something I couldn't never break. Most of the windows were either boarded up or painted shut anyway, so that was out. i figured I'd end up slamming through a wall or something, maybe cutting out a hole in the wall like some freaking rabbit trying to get through a fence so it can eat the veggies. It was almost enough to make me suicidal, this situation I was in. But I'm not suicidal, thankfully. 

Sleeping in the hut that night was eerily quiet and lifeless. The air was dry and stiff, and knowing I was the only living thing around for miles and miles didn't help my attitude. Every night I had to pull my light, and not nearly warm enough blanket over my head, and try to block out any thoughts I had, like that would work. It was extremely hard to fall asleep, and even though I knew I was totally alone with only my thoughts to keep me company, I still worried that a monster could break in at any moment and kill me. Then again,it would break the walls and I'd be able to get out if I was nimble enough... doubtful though. No sense wishing for ridiculous things.


The nest day was the same, just waking up, eating cereal without milk, a rotten apple with who knows what in it, and then seraching for ways to get out. Again. and again. and again. The nightmare never ended. It was like a bottomless hole of excrutiating nothingess. But I tried every day. 

I was standing on a crummy ladder that was probably gonna break any day now, when I saw a faint crack in the cieling. It was so insignificant that only if you were eye to eye with the cieling would you see it, and even then, barely. It had obviously been painted over a lot of times, probably 5 or more coats. Well, I noticed it, and It was my savior. I was getting out of here.

I slammed my hands against the cracked area, pulling them into fists and using all my might to see if it was any weaker then the rest of the cieling. Sure enough, I heard another crack, but I didn't see anything different. Well, that wasn't gonna last long. I climbed higher, dangerously high, and swung the side of my hip into the cieling. I would probably have toppled over if i wasn't so naturally well balanced all the time. Thank the gods it's one of my best traits. Anyway, after 10 minutes on non stop crashing and bamming and crunching, a square of drywall broke off and fell to the ground, and I saw sunlight. Actual fucking sunlight. I gasped, it was so amazing. i hadn't seen actual light from the outsdie world for over a month. Just flourescent lighting. Crummy, I tell you. I kept looking up, into the beautiful blue sky, with black birs flying around, seraching the ground for their next meal. It would have made a great picture. I set my feet on the last, highest rung and climbed out onto the top of the hut. It was actually made of brick and metal, but covered with grass to make it look more... I dont know, "deserty". Haha. 

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