Percy Won't Let Me Fight

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Sick in bed for the day. Again. Life was sucky, boring, and dull. Great.

I couldn't doing anything, go anywhere while I was healing. I couldn't even go to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner with the campers. I had to have every single fuckin meal brought to me on a tray, which was really considerate and nice at first, but then I started feeling like I was handicapped or retarded or something, which I kind of was since I couldn't move, but you get my point. It was really annoying, to have other people do everything for me. I lost all control over even the simplest aspects of life. I couldn't tie my shoes, not that I needed to since I couldn't get out of bed, but whatever. It was something to do, and take my mind off of things. I just couldn't wait until I was healthy again, so I could have a normal life, go on dates, eat, etc.

Percy came to visit me again when I woke up. He brought breakfast to me, which was waffles with blueberry syrup. Not the usual, which made it unique and especially yummy. We chatted about rather stupid things, now that I think about it, like the weather and stuff going on in Hollywood. Random, I know, but we're just weird like that. After I finished my breakfast he told me that the Hades attack was tomorrow.

"Can I come fight? Please? I know I probably won't be totally recovered, but I could atleast do something, ya know? 

"Are you sure? I don't know if you wanna do that. You could get hurt. You're already hurt. I don't want to risk you dying or something horrible like that."

"Thnaks for the concern, but I really want to take part in the attack somehow! Even if I'm not directly fighting, I could still do something! i don't want to feel helpless and stupid, lying here in bed while you guys fight and have the time of your lives. I mean, yesterday I was thinking about how I probably wouldn't be able to fight and I decided that I'd be ok lying here, but now I really wannna go with you! Please let me come and do something, anything."

"No! And please don't ask me again and again. It won't change my mind."

Crap, I really wanted to find a way to sabotage their attack. I'd be awesome, unstopable! Gordon would be undeniably proud of me, and Hades might even accept Gordon back as his assistant! There's so many things I could do, if only i wasn't so damn sick. FML.

I sighed. There was no way I'd be going with them, anyway. No point in pursuing this.

"Fine, whatever you say. Go have fun, while I'm sitting here like a bump on a log. Sure, I'll be fine! You know it!"


"Don't be like that. Just read a book, or something cool. It'll be ok, and I'll see you when I get back! Hopefully by then you'll have healed a ton, and we could go on a date later than night!"

"Yeah, I guess. Plus, we still have today to do stuff. So, what's on for today?"

"Well, I was gonna go practice my sword skills before the big fight, but i could just ditch that and stay here with you, talk and stuff, do cool activites inside the cabin, whatever people do when they're sick I guess...."

"Well then, that's boring. I really feel like dying right now. I'm bored out of my mind."

"Same. Well, I'm gonna go get some apple cider. Want some?

"Sure. Thanks."

Percy came back with 2 crystal clear glasses of apple cider 5 minutes later, and we drank it on down. We were really thirsty, and it was a relief to get a drink. Afterwards we talked about our parents, and how it really sucked that they were mad at eachother. Of course, my parent wasn't really Athena, but I pretended that it was, since I was really just a clone of Annabeth. But Percy didn't need to know that. 

He left an hour later, leaving me to my thoughts, and my books. I picked up a book about flowers, since there was a daffodil on the front, which looked quite pretty. I had no clue why there was a book about flowers randomly on the shelf in the Athena cabin, though. We don't usually read about pointless things like that, more like arhcitecture and science and things.... not little flowers. But whatever. It's not like i had anything better to do.


Sorry the chapter was so short and boring, but Serenity is sick, so that's kind of a boring subject by itself. How do you making someone being sick interesting? i have no clue. LOL Anyway, once she's healthy again it'll get better (: TTYL! <3 you all!

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xoxo Felicity

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