Chapter 12

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Claude Pov

"Why did I do that?" Claude said, panicking while pacing his empty room. "My Son! And I just kicked him away hurt him I shouldn't have" Claude fell on the floor in the corner of his room

"Your majesty there's still time you can reconcile with him" Felix said trying to reassure him

"NO THERE'S NOT!" Claude shouted

"Your majesty, he adores you. If you tried he'd come back because that's the type of son he is" Felix said looking into his eyes.

"I-I hurt him with my own two hands I-I sent him away for looking like his mother I-I grieved his mother more than I loved him I'm a monster."

"Your majesty, please don't say that..." Felix said

"I-I whipped him for not following his promise I-I don't know what came over me I'm a monster Felix he'll hate me forever he'll-he'll" Claude stared at his shaking hands his eyes glistening as he looked deeply into Felix's grey ones(?)

"Your majesty Atlantis loves you! And despite I wish he didn't deep down he loves you even though now he may hate you but he could never truly hate you" Felix said in a calm tone

Claude just nodded "I-I" Claude was at a loss for words.

Felix went forward and embraced him into a hug "He'll be fine he's fighter let's just hope he doesn't lose anyone"

Claude buried his face into Felix's chest despite being taller and nodded.

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