Chapter 9

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"Nevermind, listen everyone I am your new commander and I command you to listen to me. I wanna see you in this very spot but dressed in your prescript attire or you shall face the consequence" said Atlantis "do you really think we will take orders from a kid?" said a voice from the crowd and others agreed with him.

Atlantis sighed in frustration Harper moved forward but Atlantis put his hand in front of her to stop her "very well how shall i earn your respect?" he said annoyed "defeat me in a battle" said a buff guy "seriously that's all and everyone will respect me and make me their commander" "yes" said another guy "that doesn't make sense shouldn't i fight harper since she is your general?" asked atlantis "said no one ever" said the buff guy "hey i was honored with this position in front of all of you by the king" said harper getting defensive" "are you rejecting the command by your king because f you are then you are committing treason" smirked atlantis "she isn't stronger than me" said the buff guy "you know what i will fight you" "great-" "and i will fight harper at the same time" "what" said harper and the buff guy in unison "i can't fight you your highness" "i won't fight with the girl" said the buff saying the word 'girl' with disgust "oh you will fight me harper these are my first order to you as the commander of this army and your future king and as for you, this 'girl' is better than you and that's obvious so if you disrespect her so help me god i will have you 6 feet under and i won't care if you have 2 families"some of the people said ohhh but without paying attention to them atlantis went to the training area where the fight would happen.

He took off his vest and his jewelry so now he was wearing a white shirt and black black pants secured by a black belt the outfit complimented his six feet tall and skinny body though he was skinny if you payed a little attention you would see his abs though they weren't very visible he was an exact copy of his father but with white hair he was hating his appearance now.

There were about a hundred fit soldiers chanting the buff guy's name which was apparently 'Jeff' who names their child Jeff he sounds like Jeff the killer thought Atlantis "best of luck" said Jeff smirking "I'm not the one who needs luck, you are." Atlantis rolled his eyes "best of luck. Both of you" "thank you your highness" said Harper and smiled "as if I need your luck" "what are the rules?" Atlantis asked Harper and Jef "there are none" Jeff said "what that makes no sense" Harper said "pick one" Atlantis smirked he was no longer the lovely boy. Now he was a stone cold boy yearned for love but thought he wasn't good enough.

"I choose" Jeff said "your disagreement and rivalry will be the death of you"Atlantis remarked "well it's two against one soo" "no rules you say?" "no!" Harper said "yes or no" Atlantis asked Harper said "no" while Jeff said "yes" "how about a vote?"

Everyone said no rules "well looks like the audience has voted" Jeff said "but-" Harper was cut off "great so that means I can do whatever I want"

Atlantis dodged all their attacks with ease harper finally managed to hit him in the nose causing a nosebleed when Atlantis saw the bleed his emerald blue blue eyes turned into a red ones he flicked his wrist and Jeff was now in his commands "Jeff attack Harper" and just like all of his other puppets Jeff attacked Harper "good job" Atlantis smirks "so Harper how are you going to defeat him?"

Sorry for the break guys. But I'll be going on hiatus for awhile I will try to come back as soon as possible also has anyone watched the new Willy Wonka me and my friend went out to watch it and my other friend said that  she only watched it because she's a simp for Timothée Chalamet.
Do you simp for him?

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