Chapter 10 Part 2- Two Souls, One Heart

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"How are you feeling, Brown?" He mocks me "Better now?"

"Grr... yeah!" I yell at him

"Oh really? That conversation we had beforehand says otherwise" He smirks. Wait, what?

"We have you trapped everywhere! You can't escape!" 

"Well, we might be a bit thin on allies at the moment, but your precious titans aren't here to save you this time"

"Wait, where's the scientist?" Asks Lucky. Clinton moves his hand to the right, gesturing to look at the... dead scientist.

"You killed him!?" I ask in shock

"Figured the old geezer outlived his worthiness" He answers, smiling at us.

"Well it doesn't matter! We'll defeat you, no matter the cost!" I bravely claim.

"Heh..." He appears behind me "You don't have a choice..."

"Woah!" I roll out of the way just in time, his punch whistling through the air where I was before.

"Impressive. You can handle 50%..." His lense start to turn green "But can you handle 100%?"

"Get away from him!" Clinton, who was behind me already somehow, was shot by a few bullets.

"Huh?" Was all he managed to say before a sound blast knocked him off his feet.

"Stupid ants! I'LL CRUSH YOU ALL IF I HAVE TO!!"

"!tuo hctaW" ("Watch out!") A body tackles me out of the way, barely dodging the energy blast Clinton sent at me. I turn my head to see my saviour, and a loving face stres back.

"?yako uoy erA" ("Are you okay?") Tv Woman asks with the o~o expression on her face.

"Uhm, yeah... I'm f-fine" I stutter.

"You guys hold him off while I explain to Brown what to do!" Yells Camerawoman. Tv Woman and Speakerwoman nod and start helping the rest of the squad distract Clinton.

"This may sound a bit far-fetched, but you have very powerful energy inside you that allows you to see the future. Clinton extracted nearly all of it but we managed to save you in time" She grimaces as she watches Clinton throw Plunger and Dark Speakerman off him "Clinton converted all that energy into power, but since he didn't extract all of your energy, the power is unstable, so we could still win"

"That... Makes so much more sense now that I think about it" I admit.

"Help! We need backup!" Yells Speakerwoman while firing knives from her speaker.

"...We better go help" Says Camerawoman as we rush into the fray.

Despite being outnumbered twenty to one, Clinton was still able to dodge and weave his way through anything we threw at him. It was like he was... toying with us...

"Grr... this is getting out of hand!" Yells Plunger and chucks his plunger at Clinton. Clinton didn't notice the projectile coming towards him until it was too late, and it had embedded itself in him.

"Nice going!" Says Dark Speakerman and throws his spear. Where did he get that from? Clinton tries to dodge, but he can't because of the plunger inside him! The spear embeds him and he drops to the floor.

"Is he... dead?" Asks Lucky while Dark Speakerman and Plunger slowly inch towards him.

"I think s- GAH!" Plunger is stabbed through the chest by Clinton, who seemed to have gotten up and stabbed him in and instant.

Robotic Feelings (Brown Cameraman x Tv Woman)Where stories live. Discover now