Chapter 14 - The Skyberry Mystery

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October 23, 2023

Talulah woke up that morning and immediately grabbed the stuffed animal Rory had given her for the night. Their new sleepover routine for waking Rory up was Talulah throwing the stuffed gorilla into his bed to wake him from whatever random dream he was having. Rory groanes out a tired "good morning" to Talulah, pushing himself up and watching his sister  grab her clothes and make her way to the bathroom. The pranking rider checked his hair in the mirror when he heard Ari's name being used in the common room, and his good mood instantly vanishes.

Valentina - "What's the deal with Rory and Ari?"

Sophia - "Anytime Ari shows up, Rory acts like he's just seen a puppy being kicked!"

Ava - "Maybe it's because Talulah likes him?"

Talulah - "I—I don't like him! Well, in that context, I mean."

Valentina - "...We never said what context we were using."

Talulah - "But I—Oh, never mind!"

The girls laughed at Talulah's flustered expression and grabbed their bags to head out for breakfast, still waiting on their only male roommate. Rory made a dramatic slow walk from his room as he went for a hug with his sister, who only rolled her eyes in fondness at his antics. At breakfast, Talulah decided to check on the garden before she joined her friends at their table, and Rory noticed a certain someone anxiously following her.

Rory - "Oh, come on!"

Ari - "Hey..."

Talulah - "Oh, hey, Ari! What—What are you doing here?"

Ari - "I just wanted to check on the garden. Which sounds silly out loud, considering it's only been a day since we started it."

Talulah - "Hahaha! Yeah, that's true!"

Rory - "You've gotta be kidding me."

Ava - "Come on, Rory, they're just talking!"

Sophia - "You're acting like he's asking her to marry him or something!"

Girls - "Hahaha!"

Rory - "Don't even joke about that! I'm getting nightmares just thinking about it..."

Isabel - "Lighten up, Dude."

Rory - "I'll lighten up when Ari gets his grubby self away from my sister...THAT'S IT! I'M PUTTING AN END TO THIS!"

Layla - "Wait, Rory! Don't—And he's gone..."

Sophia - "Well, this should be good..."

Talulah - "How's your morning been so far?"

Ari - "It's good, aside from Henry teasing me for my hair."

Talulah - "Hahaha! By the way, I'm thinking of trying something new for breakfast. What do you recommend, Ari?"

Ari - "Well, I think the waffles are pretty good. I like them with skyberries the best."

Talulah - "We should make our own skyberry waffles when our garden grows!"

Ari - "Haha! Yeah, that'd be—"

Rory - "Lulah!...Albert. So depressing to see you here."

Talulah - "Rory! Don't be rude!"

Ari - "It's fine, Talulah. Hey, Rory—"

Rory - "Don't you 'Hey, Rory' me!"

Ari - "You wanna join us while we're getting skyberry waffles?"

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