Chapter 13 - The Skyberry Farm

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October 22, 2023

Talulah walked around the woods with Feather and observed the nature, completely oblivious to her honorary brother running towards her with a very desperate look on his face. The former princess turned around in surprise as Rory stopped to catch his breath, before showing her a flyer with a skyberry cupcake. Feather stood with an unamused expression on his face as Rory dramatically grabbed Talulah into a hug, who only stood there confused at why he'd been looking for her.

Rory - "Talulah! Talulah!"

Talulah - "Huh? Oh, hey, Rory, what's up?"

Rory - "We—Well, me and Ava—We want to—Hold on, let me—catch my breath."

Talulah - "Uh, are you okay?"

Rory - "I'm—I'm totally fine! Here, take this!"

Talulah - "The Skyberry Caretaking Association? I didn't even know this was a thing."

Rory - "Ava and I want to start a skyberry farm so we don't have to go out into the woods in the middle of the night!  That way, we can make all the skyberry desserts we want without breaking curfew! And we can even sell them to the other students!"

Talulah - "That's a cool idea, but wouldn't it be a while before any skyberries were good enough to eat? And is Ms. Primrose even alright with this?"

Rory - "She said it's fine as long as we have a third person joining us. So...?"

Talulah - "Sure, I wouldn't mind. When do we start?"

Rory - "Today! Ms. Primrose said we can use the sunroom next to the cafeteria, and Ava is going around to see if other people wanna join."

Talulah - "Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Feather grunted at his alone time with Talulah being interrupted, but walked towards his rider and gestured for her to get on. Rory walked towards Feather with the idea that he'd give both him and his sister a ride, but the stubborn unicorn only stepped back with a smug look on his face. The elder honorary sibling sighed in distress as Feather took off and ignored Talulah's amused protest for leaving Rory in the middle of the woods. In the sunroom, Rory excitedly pulled talulah to their new garden, only to freeze and let out a groan of disappointment at who else was there.

Rory - "Trust me, you are gonna love—Huh?"

Ava - "Hey, guys! I talked to Ari, and he wants to join! Isn't that great?"

Talulah - "Hey, Ari!"

Rory - "Well, this day just became disappointing in more ways than one."

Ari - "Heh, hi, Rory. Listen, if this about what happened with the race, I—"

Talulah - "We've already moved on from that incident, Ari. And my arm is better now!"

Rory - "Yes, but my heart still breaks..."

Everyone looked at Rory with confused eyes as he stuck to his dramatic declare, before Talulah shook her head and grabbed a bag of skyberry seeds. There was enough gardens that each of them could do one themselves, and one they could do with one other person. Everyone got to work at Talulah's request, with Rory immediately taking the garden next to his sister's, the look of fake innocence on his face when Talulah gave him an unamused look.

Talulah - "You alright, Rory?"

Rory - "Huh? Oh, I'm fine! Just wanted to make sure my sister and I could get to do this side by side! You know, a sibling experience!"

Ari - "Uh,"

Ava - "So, Ari, how have things been?"

Ari - "Well, the guys seemed to feel sorry for what had happened, but I figured I should still make some friends outside of my dormitory."

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